March 17, 2008


You know how much I wanna kick people's ass now?


Today is not my day. I am damn f*cking pissed. @$%#&*(@%^@)!*#&&!#^!!!!!

I wish I can cloned myself into 3 new me.
- one for work
- one for translation work
- one for being the point of attention for everybody

OMFG!!! I am indeed very pissed. I can't explain it into words. If I have a nuclear bomb right one, yes, just ONE. One is enough. I would drop it here. Seriously. I don't care of I die with them, just let me die, I wouldn't wanna suffer from radiation. End of the world. Or perhaps I need 50 to destroy the world. ARGHHHH!!!!

I m going nuts. Whatever happens, I don't blardy care. I need to breathe. I wanna chop off all the trees in Amazon, I wanna burn all the Pirahnas, I wanna melt 30 percent of Greenland and boil the melted ice with those problematic people that suffocates the world in a big couldron, I wanna throw sperm whales on the stupid people that are making my life so miserable!!!! Arghhhh....

I am going to burst soon. ARGHHHHHH...DAMN IT!!!

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