October 13, 2008

We need only limited space of living

Yeah, since my grandma is living her life now in the land Down Under. She left me with this house to take care of and I think this house is too big for me in every single way.

Being human, we only need a bed, a kitchen, a living room and bathroom. That's enough.

2 days back, I saw a mouse near the fridge. Die. A mouse. Means this house is not clean enough. I will be in deep trouble if my grandma knows about this. Where the hell the mouse came in from? I have got no idea at all. The house is cleaner than 2 months ago, since she left it to me. Jeez. Impossible.

Today, I saw a black shadow. Being curious, I look closer. The thing is looking at me with it's green eyes. I screamed. Then I walk closer. It's a black cat. Damn it. And where did this cat came in? And it ran away. And then it stopped halfway and stare at me again. And I screamed again. Then it ran away.

The answer is, through the porch from the front door.

Ohh my gawddd...they know I must be bored living alone so they came and accompany me.

Maybe 2 days later I will find an elephant sitting in my living room watching tv.

A few months back, a squirrel came in and got lost and jumps back to the garden.

The only animal I like is dog. I don't like cats, mouse, squirrels and etc etc. So please leave me alone.


Btw, I am still waiting for the letter to arrive. It's amazingggggggg....how far the letter has to travel to reach Malaysia.

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