July 25, 2008



is the number of times I cried today...2 times at the office, 2 times at home and thank god I was seated in a hidden cubicle where no one can see me.

Family...what a word to make me cry 4 times in 12 hours. My eyes are as swollen as hell. Tears roll down just like that without my permission.

This month, the month of July, is the month of crying. God knows how much tears I teared for the past 25 days. Amazing.

Tomorrow I am going to live my life with a new motto..."In pursuit of happiness, I would not drop a single tear ever again."

Too much holiday really turns me into a crybaby. The month of May and June are the months of luxuries, where I spend like mad and being treated like a princess. More like a baby.

Now that it is July, from a pampered spoilt young lady thrown into the cruel dog-eat-dog world of the corporate world, I felt helpless.

With new problems that came out of no where, it's a whole new thing for me. Although during my uni days, problems come to me in bulk but it can be settled almost immediately. But problems after uni, are nearly impossible to be settled due to the diverse culture of human thinking.

Let's live a happy life. Say No to tears.

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