May 21, 2008

Monterey, California

Hello everybody,

I am now in a city called Monterey in California. Borinnnnnng place to be. Famous for whale watching but the old people in my group says NO to WHALES. So me and my uncles have to plan another thing instead. Boohooo...

Next to Monterey is a place called Carmel where Clint Eastwood, Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston came from. Whooooo...can't believe a small place like this can produce beautiful people like them. sweet.

Omigod...I am bored. Thank god there's internet. And oh yes, I am fat. Imagine having Angus cheeseburgers with fries 3 times a week. Wahahahaha....fatty fatty...

BTW, I still like San Francisco. I love Vegas and SF very much. So I am planning a retirement plot here. Wahahaha....

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