November 11, 2008

Is sleeping a sin? I felt so

At 2.30pm I told my friend:

"Please...please wake me up after 10 minutes okay. Today the lovely sun finally came out and I wanna explore Berlin a bit before the weather turns ugly. But I need some nap. I think 10 minutes will do."

At 2.40pm, she woke me up:

"Hey wake up!!!!"

and I replied,

"I don't care if the sun is in or out today. I just wanna sleeeeeep. Please do not disturb me please. Sleep is very important, without a proper sleep I will turn into a monster. Sleeeeeeeeeep!!!"

Amazing, the things I will do for a good sleep. And I just woke up after 4 hours of snoring like nobody's business.

For the past few days, I have been struggling to keep my mind sane due to cramping my head for the right reason of refreshing my mind with loadsa german words till very late at night. And yes, I get little sleep and everyday without fail, I have been waking up very early.

And did you know there are 78 verbs in german for the word of movement (which involves the leg) like walking, galloping, walking like a duck, walking like bear, walking like a penguin, walking proudly, walking like a star...there are so many names for different kinds of walk which are non existant in english or other languages. Ahh...I love this language!

Serves me right. Now that the sun is gone and I am left with dark skies and very cold weather. I should have wake up and explore Oranienburger Tor.'s time to be more discipline this week. No afternoon nap.

Time to get smart now...Revision!!!

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