November 03, 2008


Okay...I found the washing machine. With a lot of other things aswell. I got lost inside that bungalow. But me and my friend live outside the bungalow. In order to wash our clothes, we have to go inside and get ourselves lost for a while.

And my tenant is already match-making me with another tenant. My first day here is all about him. Match-making me in every single way. Oh gawdddd!!! Why am I so dumb to tell her that I am single. Jeez...dumbness!

She keep on saying, "Mocco ist noch ledig. Er hat keine Freundin. Mach Abendessen fuer ihn."

Yeah rite, as IF I am THAT nice to make someone I don't even know...dinner.

Ahh...I am so tired now. I move 25kgs of luggages (for the 2nd time) from Mohrenstrasse to Biesdorf and walk 350m to my rented place. And then move 3 piece of huge furniture in and out of the room and clean the house and wash the clothes with my bare hands! My back is killing me. Great! I am strong.

Now that my place is ready for guest. Welcome to my new home. It's perfect....Just that a bit far from the city centre.

I shall go and cook now. Hungry like mad.

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