April 07, 2007

Youth Jazz Orchestra

I was there yesterday. No comment.

That's because I m not a fan of jazz music. It makes me feel so sleepy. I yawned like 100 times for the night. Thanks to my 3-inch wedges, I got leg pain aswell. But it's worth the watch for jazz fans. They're really good.

I think I m madly in love with someone. Wahahaha. With someone I've fought over the phone, on the messenger, during dinner. I didn't know or realise that I actually have feelings for him. Weird isn't it.

Anyway, I don't see a posibility of being together in the near future since we argue so much nearly everday over small little things. So, I have to forget about him. Bahhhh....sad isn't it.

Finally, I m off with assignments for the semester. Time to rejoice!!! Now waiting for my finals and as usual, revisions which I don't know where to start. Loadsa events coming soon aswell. Boy, I m so so busy.

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