July 22, 2009

When the sun shines...and suddenly the rain pours

Today is the saddest day of my life (for the month of July). The day that proved to me how selfish my parents are. The selfishness in them makes me wonder if I will be the same or already as selfish as them.

God bless that I am still alive.

I cried so hard that my eyes sores now. It has been a "great" year so far. Yeah, pretty great. I think my tears can filled up the whole city by now.

I told myself to be strong, as always. I know I am strong but just not strong enough. Everyone are selfish to themselves. Selfish creatures are everywhere. If I find someone who is not selfish at all, I give him/her a standing ovation and he/she will be my idol.

I hate to fight, I hate to argue. Although my life here is quite shitty. I am glad that I am faraway from home at least for now. I don't have to face shit.

Let it be from family members or the anything with the people around me. At least here, I am a foreigner. I am a foreigner who speaks german. And with my student status, I get privileges. Thank god, arguing with my family makes me feel happier to be in this shit hole.

I always wait for the day when I can be happy, just happy. It's just so hard to be happy.

I am going to sit for an exam later in about 2 hours time and I am still here blogging. This emotional burden is off my shoulders now. I felt better already.

Thank you for reading.

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