October 13, 2006

Treats for everyone....if there's an "IF"

I miss everyone. Everyone misses me aswell...Wahahaha. I m going crazy for now. Classes from 8am-6pm non stop can drive everyone crazy. My life is moving 4 times faster than before. How do I know? Well...

During the holiday (without working) my life moves on the scale of 0-1
During the holiday (with work) my life moves on the scale of 3
Normal uni days (normal uni routine) is a 5
Now it's 4 x 5 = 20. Means 20 out of 10.

Phew....if someone pay me for the things I did, I will definately treat everyone who reads this blog a bottle of XO or tequila, u name it. No problem at all....That's "IF". So now...since no one's willing to do that, we shall just get back to our respective routine and hope...and hope and hope.


Anonymous said...

how come now so many classes? I thought your overall credit is less than 18 per week??


monkticon said...

btw...Happy Birthday!!!!....i wanted to call u...but i realise I don't have ur number...
hahahahaha...and i was like browsing my phone for your name! LoL!....so when wanna
belanja me lunch? :P