August 08, 2008

When money is not everything in life

I am officially UNEMPLOYED now!!!!

Oh gosh...I felt so happy that I don't have to open doors anymore. Thank god!

Now that I got back my life and that I am so happy that I am no longer stuck in that office, I am back on track...back to my long lost soul of happy-craziness. Now that my life is no longer a straight line...I am very very very happy.

Now I can focus on doing things I like in life. And also my tendency of killing my boss is over now, so he is safe for the time being. I felt so so so relieve. It was such a big impact on my life to be stuck in such a job. And of course I learnt my lessons as well which is to not look for jobs in Chinese companies anymore. Never again. Ah......I just feel so happy.

It got me thinking. No matter how much I need money to fund my studies, being stuck in that kind of job won't get me anywhere no matter how high the pay is for a fresh-graduate.

I can say that period of working there is the suckiest part of my life this year. I have never open doors for so many people in my life before, I have never been blamed and scolded so much before over the things I didn't do, and of course I have never been paid so high to do such work before. Oh...I am so thankful right now.

Can't you feel the happiness? I am so happy right now I can finish 5 tubes of ice-cream all by myself. Ahhhh...


Anonymous said...

hah, a great memory in your life ~ 080808.

Anonymous said...