March 12, 2009

On throwing hissy fits

Somebody's dad has cancer.

I felt so sorry for him. I wish him that everythign will be okay.

And he came barking at me, scolding me for no reason, throwing his hissy fits at me with the reason I am not sensitive enough. WTF? Who is he to do this to me?

I think I am having a bad week. A few days back, I went to the wrong counter at the Embassy, I was talking to my dad and he banged the car behind us, a few hours later I banged a lorry, a few moments later my finger started to bleed with no reason because I didn't realized there's a cut there, I got scolded by a few people mainly because they are having bad mood, etc etc.

Okay fine. I have patience. Really high tolerance in everything. I know I can go through this.

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