April 19, 2006

hahaha...funny shit

no other jokes can crank me up today, not even "The Three Stooges"...not even "America's funniest home videos" and not even "The Gods must be Crazy"...I was in the exam hall answering those weird looking questions in the paper, I felt so damn stupid. I can't even think...I felt I had drank too much coffee. Coffee is bad when it comes to exam time, I think I m having illusions, I cant even think properly...Damn. And everyone's leaving the exam hall because this paper is just too easy for them and I was struggling till the very last second. I felt very bad. I was laughing at myself after I get out from the exam hall. Felt relieved but damn stupid. Who the hell who asked me to drink coffee just to stay up and eat all the facts and definations for one whole semester? I m having illusions till now actually. I can bear to see my grades. Well, if everyone thinks that tis paper is damn hard then it's okay for me, but it hurts my ear so much when everyone around me keep on emphazing how easy it was.

"That paper damn easy huh?"
"My gawd, it's so damn easy, I think I will get an A for this"
"I finished the paper at 4 o'clock, I've got so much time I don't know what to do"
"Wow, that was great! It's so easy to score"

Hello? Did they even think of my feelings? Hurts a lot but it's funny to me. Well, I m having illusions remmeber. Everything around me is funny now. I can't take caffeine. I must stop drinking.

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