April 22, 2006

Dutch Exam

My coursemate finished her paper 1 hour after the exam started, another one takes about one and a half hours and another one...1 hour 45 minutes and I took exactly 2 hours to finish. I felt so stressful looking at them. And I m mixing the 'het' word with the 'de' and also those personal pronouns. I know the answer but I mixed it all up. I cant bear to see my results. *Sob* And on Monday my nightmare begins, that's becoz I'll have to sit for 2 German papers which is for me equalvalent to Add Maths plus Dutch and some mixture of Physics.

Add Maths + Dutch Language + Physics = German Language

Yeah and maybe you'll be wondering why I m such a "clever" gal to go and choose this language. Well, I say it's FATE. I wanted to study French but suddenly the thought of having a German for Dummies book (before) made me change my mind. It's a good thing I study German language, at least at my first level someone offerred me RM500 to teach them German Language just for 2 hours per week. And she's willing to give extra if I m willing to teach English aswell. Well, yeah, I know my English sucks here but who cares? I will get paid if I accept the offer. And my english is getting worse, because I m building english sentences with German structure, verb second position...remmeber that. And even when talking to my friends. "What?" became "Was?" and "Quick!!!" became "Schnell!!!"
Heh, and for now, I m mixing up my German and Dutch like mixing up Malay and Indonesian language. Yeah a lot of mixing, I would have mix some cake ingredients, bake cakes with them and sell them and buy myself a nice comfy house and lead a simple life. And for god's sake those german nouns, they have 3 genders!!! And all the 4 cases which is Nominative, Accusative, Dative and Genitive.
Yeah, I know what you're thinking...I m nuts for choosing this kinda course where it's so damn scarce in Malaysia. I wonder sometimes...a bit lesser now. I just wanna get a paper qualification. Fate...my parents sent me to a private university for a Marketing course and look what I've gotten myself into? A language course in a local uni. Well, for now I m always looking at the bright side of the language. ;)

.: I got 2 paper to finish, one on the 24th and 27th. So to those of you reading my blog, I m sorry for the lack of updates and reply to ur messages. Thousand apologies. I need loadsa luck and support to get me through this. *Pray*...Awww...

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