Somehow that made me happy. At least they know my existance and how important am I at some point of their money-reducing organization. A day to remember. Definately a day to remember knowing that I will be graduating soon...and I will probably be leaving them. It's just probably. Sad and happy at the same time. That's my working life.
And also I got an email from my host family back in Germany. Hahaha. Did I mentioned I actually cried the day I have to leave them? It was hard to hold back the tears but I can't help it. She cried too. Awww...she's better than my own mother. with a partially crazy Malaysian who so happened have the ability to cook great food for them. was indeed a touching email with loadsa concern about me because I was sick the day I have to leave them. She bought me whole loads of medicine and cough sweets and she made me various kinds of tea and soups. Ahh...the good old days. Happy tears. As far as I am concerned, I've never teared any Happy Tears just Sad Tears. And they bought me a book with loadsa pics of Duesseldorf. They said if the pictures is not enough to cure my Germany-sickness, I can stay with them as long as I want. If they have no place for me, she will send me to her best friend. Another touching story...her best friend made me muffins and cookies that are better than any confectionaries known to date. Super delicious!!!
A short period of about 2 months changed me into another person. As told by my friends. Apart from becoming more stupid, I became more caring towards others. Haha...laugh. I cared for the people around me more than usual now. I even call my relatives and I initiated to call them (something I wouldn't do last time) and now I hope that I can cure the stupidity. It takes time...
I felt so happy I can buy each and everyone of you endless scoops of Haagen Daaz. Talking about ice-cream. I should buy 5 tubes of ice-cream tomorrow and binge on it. Life is pretty depressing lately with no-one to talk to at home. Class finishes early, I come back home early (yes, I am that angelic to stay at home till the very next day), I didn't work and I stay at home watching stupid TV programmes. And then I rot at home. Felt old to party, felt bored to back to my parents.
Okay...enough of crap. My wishlist for 2008 (so far):
1) a MacBook in Black (yummy)

2) a Nikon D300 (read the reviews, super yummy but I what will happen if I am not working anymore?)

Erm...that's all I guess. Besides passing my final exam (the last one hopefully).
See I felt stupid now...I don't know what I want...
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