October 31, 2006

Denying the time and truth

It's been a very busy week for me. It's actually "study week" now but I misuse it. I don't do it intentionally but un-intentionally. I'm supposed to use this (very precious) time to study and not work, but instead of burying my head to the books, I bury myself into the computer, I think the computer has become apart of me, like an important organ for work and play. I regret. I do regret of not studying, my coursemates who came online told me they have all studied for this and that subject, while me...busy giving trainning, having meetings and discussions with my boss, colleagues and so on. Oh...and still I m denying the fact that I've got not much time left. I really hope now that I've got some superpowers to help me in my exams. My finals starting this 8th. Jeez...I m getting the allergies now. I m allergic to exams.

On the other hand, I've been eating like a pig, due to severe stress and exams-allergy and also apart of the leftovers of DeepaRaya. Okay, I need to exercise...I really need to exercise.


monkticon said...

biasala tu...i also always misuse my time....rilek rilek...minum kopi dulu...exam tu kachang puteh jer..

Anonymous said...

all the best for exams.

愉快な人 said...

Good luck 4 ur final!