One thing I don't like about bidding online is that you have to pay for the delivery charges which is more expensive than the price of the things u bid. And also since it's my first time...yes...first time ever bidding online, I won 2 other bids accidently, one stupid tibetan box and lot of 5 not-so-broken-duno-what diamente thingy. Arghhh...I was so angry with myself. Hmm..maybe it's a good thing, I bought the please-be-more-careful-when-bidding-online lesson aswell. Looks like people around me will be getting more prezzies from me this year. (RAWRRRRR my friends...RAWWWRRRR!!!!)

Great vintage stuff for less than USD30.00.
Hmm..bidding online can be addictive aswell, more like gambling. I don't gamble but it's such great fun to race with others and bid on really good and rare stuff. It's a great way to relieve stress aswell. (no wonder...I nearly burn my plastic moolah). But do have strong self-control when bidding. Don't fall deeper and deeper for something. There're more things to see and bid. Set a price limit for the things you buy. And the British pounds looks so much cheaper. So nice to see but when you convert it to RM, ur neck suddenly hurts, because you're imagining urself being slaughtered. Yes, we humans tend to fall for pretty things but pretty things don't last/ not practical. So just becareful when bidding.
At least the parcel made my day. I was smilling non-stop. My smile is from the left to the right ear. Hehe. It's like receiving a BIG secret birthday present, not knowing what's inside. Wahaha.
On the other hand, I m thinking of dropping my Dutch subject for next semester, just a thought. I keep on saying the wrong things in class. My Dutch lecturer doesn't look that happy with my German side.
On the other hand's hand, my boss wanted me to give trainning to someone. A stranger. Yes, someone I don't know. A guy. In KL somewhere at night. Hopefully everyting will be OK. He's always good with timing. Everytime he ask me for a favour, it's always against my timetable or I've got some important thing to do.
On the other hand's hand's leg, I felt happier everytime I blog. All these while I keep everything to myself, which is very unhealthy. Since my best buddy left to KK to continue her studies, blogging is my way of letting out my feelings. We still boil the phone line but the percentage of me and her talking on the phone has dropped drastically from 100% to 10% because we're "married" to our "dreams of getting a degree" for now. Although I don't blog that frequent, but it's good enough for someone who thinks she's busier than the streets of New York to post someting up. Agree?
Omaigod dude...r u too rich or what? buy vintage thingies? i know lah, u hutang me banyak wanna pay back..ahha, but why this la..haha..really a lot..
If u drop, means u have to extent your study years right..not orth it dude.might as well just get over it and get the hell of of there.
Aih....dropping percentage of boiling porridge time eh..., yeah and my phone bill can reach Taipei 101 already..imagine if we talk for dad and the goverment are onna kill me!!
OMG YOU BOUGHT JUNK!!!!!!! DUDE! shame on u
shelly: nope, it's not compulsory, although it's a faculty paper. Won't effect me much. But erm...not nice to drop la but I dun wan to suffer.
julian: it's just an experiment, remember what I told you about my grandma's antiques. So, now I understand the concept. Altho it hurts my pocket a bit...*sob*
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