First suprise of all : 2 Cakes. The last time I had my own birthday cake would be somewhere before the new millenium. Lucky I have my best buddies to celebrate with me. Although there're no cakes like these, it was a "priceless" feeling.

2nd suprise: A gift from dad. For the very first time in 21 years, he gave me this. My first ever birthday present from him. (That's what's it's like to live in a materialistic family that cares more about money more than any other thing). But I m really happy.

3rd: 2 Golden keys to mark ur freedom. I think my parents should give me a golden lock instead, since I roam the world freely since I was 16. Earlier this year, they said I m "incontrollable". I wonder what that means.

And also loadsa gift and red packets from others. Thank you very much. Everyting is double this year. Including my text messages. Keeps on coming in till now. Thanks a lot people. I gotta get my ass back to my 3000 words assignment due this friday. Test tomorrow aswell. Duh...potong stim je...spoil the fun. If today's friday night, I'm gonna rock the whole world. Jeez...
Wah..2nd time i wrote this cos first time didnt sign in...Aihh..Anyway,
HAPPY 21st BIRTHDAY MY DEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAArest friend!! I am sorry I couldnt afford to buy ticket to go back celebrate with you but nevertherless I am glad that u had a great time..and also U cant boast that u r younger than me anymore..muahahaha..we are same level now and we can go into the casino and pretend we are still underaged..let these fuckass securities(who embarrassed us last time) be the one embarrased. muahaha
nice neck :)
happy bday
happy birthday!
i'm glad you had a good one.
hehe. 21. SO YOUNG!!!
Hey, Happy Belated Bday! Sorry for being so late on the wishes. Was busy myself too. LOL! That's a student's life. Always filled with mountainous piles of assignments and the ever impending doom.... EXAMS! LOL!
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