Saw the pic above? Okay that was taken around 9.30am. And the same people and the same tales and chairs were still there till I left around noon. The people move a bit la of course. Still not much different.
I was nearly in tears when I arrived. Me and my friends were trying to sneak out after the first program. It started with long VIP's names and then their long winded speeches. Can't they just say short and sweet and simple things? And they can actually cut that "I-would-like-to-thank" speeches, I know u thankful, we all know it. And u know how long Datuk's name can be, it's actually like all my family members name included in one name. Dat's how long it is.
Okay, move on..oh yah before that, we're given this 'magnificant' pen as a souvenir. That's something to cheer about...

You can use it for writting like what normal pens can do and also *cheer*...become a 2 way torch light to find things when there's no source of light in a dim area. And another thing, it can detect false Ringgit Notes with the UV light on the other side. Nice right.

Ta daa!!!
Well that's not my what I wanna talk about today. I was actually thinking how some people could stand such "langweilig"(means boring in german language) events...it is for business purposes? If so, why can't we do something exiting about it rather that the usual one? Issit possible for sponsors and organising comittee to come out with more exicting or maybe a better way of holding a conference, meeting...etc
I've got a few suggestions but it's not worth it if I post it here since no one would comment on what I say or thought. It's just that I felt it's a pity u know, in today's world, conferences and meetings are still held the traditional way like those since the Ice Age. The most interesting part in every conference I've been to, would be the food and tea time. Other than that, I can't see anyone interested in that. I've talked to a few of the participants before the conference started. Some came to accompany their spouses, some to promote his/her thing, and some just for experiance and food like me. If I were the one standing in front of the stage giving speech, I would feel very bad u see since I can see people yawning, sms-ing, playing bingo, talking about how boring the speech is, etc. I don't pay attention to what the person in front but I'm actually observing the audiences becoz I was wondering if they feel the same like me...My friend nearly trip of the chair because she nearly slept through the speeches, another one can't open her eyes coz her eyes were just too heavy. And we've make a promise...no more conferences for us if the conference have more than 5 people giving speeches. No thank you! We had enough. Hmm...I should post something on "How to make an event more successful"..."How to attract people attention when giving speeches"..."How to spell BORING at a conference". Well people, don't come and shoot me after this. This is just what a 20 someting girl felt...
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