Yesterday, I was helping out to babysit my cousin bro for a while for around half an hour. I don't know why, I got this feeling of "against children" so suddenly popped out of me. Comparing half a year ago, I can still play with them, be very patient with them and care for them of course. Now I just wanna get rid of screaming kids and have a peaceful life. What am I thinking??? I used to like kids very much, I can hang around with them all night long and draw and listen to them. But I can't do that now. Is this another weird syndrome of mine? Of it's because I m too stress because of my daily duties?
And now I'm thinking of changing my future plans. U see, I used to like kids so much, I plan to adpot one when I was in my teens. Maybe because of Angelina Jolie's influence on adopting Maddox and Zara. That time Brad is still with Jennifer, so not a thought on having a good-looking husband. Hahaha.
I really wanted to ask some proud parents of 10 kids. Why did they want so many kids? One screaming kid can gives u headache, 3 for migraine, 5 can lead to heart attack. And now 10? How do you cope with their education? Their needs? It happens here in Malaysia. A lot actually. Oh my my...I will grow old alone if I keep on having these kinda thinking. It's bad...bad...bad...Not my time yet. I m still in my early 20s. Very early actually. Not even 21. Just a thought...

wah. you're so young ah?
err...I sound very old meh? cham lo...
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