So there's this 12 o'clock class which we called as the "Hilang-perut class" [yeah...lost stomach class because you're too scared to go inside and endure the mental pain and u will have stomach ache everytime u're in the class becoz it's scary and all the butterflies died in ur stomach...reincarnated and die again]. And then my lecturer was telling that we're very lazy and we should work harder....bla bla bla.
Out of the sudden, she said something that really meaningful (to me at least)!:
"You're language students, you must be clever enough to play with the words. U need brain. You're not dont need to memorise everything, language isn't about memorising. U can be a doctor if you're stupid becoz u just have to memorise everyting but not here".
Wah!!!! Did u hear that? Well I don't mean anyting, I m not against doctors but I do feel happy inside me to hear that. All these while people kinda look down on students like us very often. U know, it means all those language related stuff are really brainy people. Lawyers, linguist, translator, interpretors, copywriters, deejays...and etc... u got my honour!!!
Language is not about memorising. It's about practising and applying it every single day without fail. Sometimes I just wonder if I could find someone who could provide me Jimmy Choos every single day so I don't have to go through all this. How I wish!! Sigh...I sounded so materialistic.
It's tough. I rather go back to Form 6 and do Maths everyday. I really wanted to go back time and do 10 times Form 6 Maths than doing this. I'm in my half mid life crisis...

Wah...this is my best friend!

I dont mind having a few of these...I really dont...
Looking at bling bling things like these kinda motivates me to go on with life. It gives u energy, don't u think so?
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