Yeap, today I'm gonna talk about my chubbiness. I have got chubby cheeks, chubby body and chubby ahem...Everyting's so chubby, there's once my boyfriend called me "the chubbier chubby". That's very bad. I don't eat like a pig. But yet, I m still that chubby. And my chubbiness cause a lot of things. That includes:
1) Can't fit into nice dresses
2) Face too round not matter what make-up I put to make it round, so sometimes I m double the chubbiness if my make-up goes wrong
3) I m living indenial the fact that I m FAT (I m chubby ok)
4) I envy Kate Moss
5) I wish to be like no. 4)
6) I get jealous easily especially if someone like no.4) walks in front of me, I would have smack her with my chubby hands. (That's dangerous)
So that's my chubby story. What's urs?
March 31, 2006
March 28, 2006
Making life harder
I really don't undertsand some people who likes to make their lives harder. It's already very hard but why make it harder? U can get someting just by using Route A but instead of that they use Route G and then Route C and then Route A again. Duh...
I m the kind who dont want to go through unwanted nonsense. If there's a hurdle in front of me, I wil leap over it the easiest way and not by running away from it. Face it. I can say 70 percent of the people around me likes to take U-turns, unwanted road, but never ever a highway or a flyover. Dat's sad. So all humans are like that huh? Likes to make long cut and dun want to go with the flow? I duno. Maybe I m PMS-ing now. Emo.Emo. Emo.
I m the kind who dont want to go through unwanted nonsense. If there's a hurdle in front of me, I wil leap over it the easiest way and not by running away from it. Face it. I can say 70 percent of the people around me likes to take U-turns, unwanted road, but never ever a highway or a flyover. Dat's sad. So all humans are like that huh? Likes to make long cut and dun want to go with the flow? I duno. Maybe I m PMS-ing now. Emo.Emo. Emo.
March 26, 2006
MY future with KIDS

Yesterday, I was helping out to babysit my cousin bro for a while for around half an hour. I don't know why, I got this feeling of "against children" so suddenly popped out of me. Comparing half a year ago, I can still play with them, be very patient with them and care for them of course. Now I just wanna get rid of screaming kids and have a peaceful life. What am I thinking??? I used to like kids very much, I can hang around with them all night long and draw and listen to them. But I can't do that now. Is this another weird syndrome of mine? Of it's because I m too stress because of my daily duties?
And now I'm thinking of changing my future plans. U see, I used to like kids so much, I plan to adpot one when I was in my teens. Maybe because of Angelina Jolie's influence on adopting Maddox and Zara. That time Brad is still with Jennifer, so not a thought on having a good-looking husband. Hahaha.
I really wanted to ask some proud parents of 10 kids. Why did they want so many kids? One screaming kid can gives u headache, 3 for migraine, 5 can lead to heart attack. And now 10? How do you cope with their education? Their needs? It happens here in Malaysia. A lot actually. Oh my my...I will grow old alone if I keep on having these kinda thinking. It's bad...bad...bad...Not my time yet. I m still in my early 20s. Very early actually. Not even 21. Just a thought...

March 25, 2006
school dayz meme
How many schools did I go to?
2. Primary and Secondary
Was I the studious nerd, or the last minute hero?
Obviously last minute hero
Was I the class ‘taiko’ or the teacher’s pet?
Both. Depends on the teacher teaching the subject. If the subject is a boring one, I will stay like a mouse. I m always the teacher's pet because of my unique name.
What was the biggest rule I broke in school?
Uncountable. I scolded a teacher. I copy in exams. I m always late for school during my Form 6 days. I sleep in class. I didn't do my homework. etc etc
Three subjects I enjoyed.
English - I like to talk
Malay - And of course I can talk in this class aswell
Economics - the teacher care for me so much I wouldn't wanna hurt her feelings. I push myself to like the subject.
Three teachers that inspired me. form 6 Economics teacher. My Chemistry teacher in form 4 and then my primary school teacher.
Come on and tell me what's ur school dayz like...
2. Primary and Secondary
Was I the studious nerd, or the last minute hero?
Obviously last minute hero
Was I the class ‘taiko’ or the teacher’s pet?
Both. Depends on the teacher teaching the subject. If the subject is a boring one, I will stay like a mouse. I m always the teacher's pet because of my unique name.
What was the biggest rule I broke in school?
Uncountable. I scolded a teacher. I copy in exams. I m always late for school during my Form 6 days. I sleep in class. I didn't do my homework. etc etc
Three subjects I enjoyed.
English - I like to talk
Malay - And of course I can talk in this class aswell
Economics - the teacher care for me so much I wouldn't wanna hurt her feelings. I push myself to like the subject.
Three teachers that inspired me. form 6 Economics teacher. My Chemistry teacher in form 4 and then my primary school teacher.
Come on and tell me what's ur school dayz like...
I'm in LOVE
yaay...I think I m in LOVE, is that great? I like that feeling... I m in love with everyone. Not specific though...hmm...I think I m OVER-STRESSED. Anyway, I hope everyone had a great day no matter what. Spread the happiness around yeah!!!
March 24, 2006
How to finish ur research paper in 3 days
Let me tell u how I survived...
We're supposed to write a research paper on a topic chosen by ourselves. Those hardworking people will take months to gather materials and do surveys, interviews and etc. But lazy people like me...baru wanna look for my materials on monday and finished printing it at 6.05am on Friday morning before class and before the dateline. Just imagine how long I stayed up 3 nights in a row. Because I have got not enough time, I fake everything. I fake the survey, I fake the results, I fake everything. I felt bad. But I m running out of dats the best thing to do. No matter what, just don't take other people's work and make it as yours. Acknowledge them. This is very bad. U can fake ur survey and its results but never ever take people's work as treat it as yours. I guess I still have than humanly thinking of mine despite what I did.
That's very unhealthy. I crammed my brain, fry my eyeballs, drank gallons of coffee just to finish that paper. I still have got 5 other subjects' homework to catch up. A very stressfull week I should say. And next week 3 exams papers to sit, 2 presentation of power-point to go. University students are crazy. Procrastinators like me die faster. Aww...sleepy...
We're supposed to write a research paper on a topic chosen by ourselves. Those hardworking people will take months to gather materials and do surveys, interviews and etc. But lazy people like me...baru wanna look for my materials on monday and finished printing it at 6.05am on Friday morning before class and before the dateline. Just imagine how long I stayed up 3 nights in a row. Because I have got not enough time, I fake everything. I fake the survey, I fake the results, I fake everything. I felt bad. But I m running out of dats the best thing to do. No matter what, just don't take other people's work and make it as yours. Acknowledge them. This is very bad. U can fake ur survey and its results but never ever take people's work as treat it as yours. I guess I still have than humanly thinking of mine despite what I did.
That's very unhealthy. I crammed my brain, fry my eyeballs, drank gallons of coffee just to finish that paper. I still have got 5 other subjects' homework to catch up. A very stressfull week I should say. And next week 3 exams papers to sit, 2 presentation of power-point to go. University students are crazy. Procrastinators like me die faster. Aww...sleepy...
March 18, 2006
I m getting old, really old
Yeah, I m getting old and useless. That's what I think. My results deteriorate, my life is a mess, my love life is messier, I'm getting fat and my skin is dry, my friends having their own beautiful life, i have no passion in doing anything, i got no money coz i didn't barely touch my work, my room's a mess again, my brain is not functioning like how it used to. I hate my life today. I m having a crisis. Duh...
March 17, 2006
::Random Stuff::
Your Five Variable Love Profile |
Your propensity for monogamy is low.You see love as a gift that you should give to many.It's hard for you to imagine being with one person at at time...Let alone one person for the rest of your life! Experience Level: Your experience level is medium.You probably have had a couple significant loves.And you may have even had your heart broken.But you haven't really dated a wide variety of people. Dominance: Your dominance is medium.You tend to be the one with more power.You aren't a total control freak in relationships..But of course you don't mind getting you way! Cynicism: Your cynicism is low.You are an eternal optimist when it comes to love and romance.No matter how many times you've been hurt - you're never bitter.You believe in one true love, your perfect soulmate.And if you haven't found true love yet, you know you will soon. Independence: Your independence is medium.In relationships, you need both "me time" and "we time."You usually find it easy to be part of a couple.But occasionally you start to feel a little smothered. |
The Five Variable Love Test
10 Steps to Happiness
Remember, you deserve to be happy. We all do. It's good for you, so don't be embarrassed about making it a priority. You can pick up clues from what you like to think about, read and do with your free time. It's like being your own life detective - no one is more expert on what gives you pleasure. Remember life is not a competition. Authentic happiness comes from setting yourself higher goals or standards, not from comparing yourself with others. A happy life is one created by you - a unique creation that cannot be copied from someone else's recipe. Scientists are beginning to identify the roots of positive emotions. The following tips are based on the latest cutting-edge research into the new "science of happiness".
1. Have one hour of totally uninterrupted conversation with your partner every week. In the best relationships, we constantly make a bid for each other's attention: it could be a kiss, a squeeze, a text message. If you are single, call a friend you haven't spoken to in months. Friendship - fun, joy, mimicry, telling jokes - is an adult version of children's play, enabling us to develop valuable physical, social and mental skills. Give yourself permission to be warmer - people love it and no one will think you weird or intense.
2. Identify the hobby or activity that completely absorbs you, where you feel most yourself ("This is the real me") and time seems to stand still. It could be working, making music, playing sport. Psychologists call this a "flow activity", and people record the highest level of gratification afterwards. Being able to forget who we are temporarily is very enjoyable.
3. Be less of a perfectionist. People divide into two categories: "maximisers" and "satisfiers". The maximiser insists on looking at all the alternatives when out shopping before deciding what to buy. The satisfier, on the other hand, says: "That's good enough, that'll do me." The maximiser is doomed to misery in the modern world, because there is so much choice. Going out for a simple bite to eat turns into a trawl for haute cuisine, full of regret for all the choices not made.
4. Don't be a party wallflower. Self-absorption undermines happiness because it stops you from being brilliant at developing close relationships. Think of the most confident person you know and ask yourself how they behave, what they say, then practise doing these things yourself. This is called modelling, and psychologists say successful people do it without realising. Maintain eye contact, touch people (it releases the hormone oxytocin) and use changes in vocal pitch to make yourself sound more interesting. Talk to the other person about topics you think they might be interested in. If feedback is negative, or the conversation turns out to be boring, don't give up. Try a different topic or a different guest.
5. Have a good laugh at least once a day. It increases the blood-flow to the heart, jogs the muscles and provides an internal massage for all the organs. Having 100-200 belly laughs a day would be the equivalent of a high-impact workout and burning off 500 calories. On a bad day, give yourself a break. Switch off serious news and listen to a comedy station or CD of stand-up comedy.
6. Take half an hour of exercise three times a week and your general feeling of happiness will improve by 10-20 per cent. It doesn't need to be anything too masochistic. Gardening, amateur dramatics, even vacuuming counts: anything that gets you moving. Watching soaps on TV is a sign of mild depression. People who garden or go to the theatre are happier than those slumped in an armchair.
7. Smile. People think you look more sincere, sociable - and attractive. And, yes, faking it can work as smiling actually releases feel-good chemicals (endorphins).
8. Be your own best friend. Literally. You would defend a friend to the hilt if others bitched about them, so do the same for yourself. You can fight off your own pessimistic inner voice (usually distorted thinking based on strict parents or teachers) by concentrating on what went right during the day - it could be a pleasant conversation or a great haircut. And if something embarrassing happens, regard it as temporary. If you think about bad things in terms of "always" and "never", you have a permanent pessimistic style. Optimists blame bad events on temporary downturns ("sometimes", "lately"). They don't assume that everything is ruined. Of course, "reframing" (learning to identify and dispute automatic pessimistic thoughts) takes practice. Research shows that it takes 21 days to create a new habit pathway in the brain.
9. Give yourself a treat, whether you think you deserve it or not, and really savour it. We all need animal pleasures - a hot bath, glass of wine, a massage. Or have sex. Touching and orgasm release endorphins, whether it's going solo or with a partner.
10. Do a good turn for someone. It may sound worthy, but scientists have proved that altruism gives longer-lasting pleasure than a bar of chocolate or buying a new outfit. It triggers a cascade of positive effects, making us feel generous and capable. Anyone witnessing the good deed also benefits - they experience an emotion that psychologists call "elevation".
Liz Hoggard is the author of 'How to Be Happy: life-changing insights from the TV series Making Slough Happy'
...just someting to make me ponder why I m still not that happy. I m lack of someting in my life...
1. Have one hour of totally uninterrupted conversation with your partner every week. In the best relationships, we constantly make a bid for each other's attention: it could be a kiss, a squeeze, a text message. If you are single, call a friend you haven't spoken to in months. Friendship - fun, joy, mimicry, telling jokes - is an adult version of children's play, enabling us to develop valuable physical, social and mental skills. Give yourself permission to be warmer - people love it and no one will think you weird or intense.
2. Identify the hobby or activity that completely absorbs you, where you feel most yourself ("This is the real me") and time seems to stand still. It could be working, making music, playing sport. Psychologists call this a "flow activity", and people record the highest level of gratification afterwards. Being able to forget who we are temporarily is very enjoyable.
3. Be less of a perfectionist. People divide into two categories: "maximisers" and "satisfiers". The maximiser insists on looking at all the alternatives when out shopping before deciding what to buy. The satisfier, on the other hand, says: "That's good enough, that'll do me." The maximiser is doomed to misery in the modern world, because there is so much choice. Going out for a simple bite to eat turns into a trawl for haute cuisine, full of regret for all the choices not made.
4. Don't be a party wallflower. Self-absorption undermines happiness because it stops you from being brilliant at developing close relationships. Think of the most confident person you know and ask yourself how they behave, what they say, then practise doing these things yourself. This is called modelling, and psychologists say successful people do it without realising. Maintain eye contact, touch people (it releases the hormone oxytocin) and use changes in vocal pitch to make yourself sound more interesting. Talk to the other person about topics you think they might be interested in. If feedback is negative, or the conversation turns out to be boring, don't give up. Try a different topic or a different guest.
5. Have a good laugh at least once a day. It increases the blood-flow to the heart, jogs the muscles and provides an internal massage for all the organs. Having 100-200 belly laughs a day would be the equivalent of a high-impact workout and burning off 500 calories. On a bad day, give yourself a break. Switch off serious news and listen to a comedy station or CD of stand-up comedy.
6. Take half an hour of exercise three times a week and your general feeling of happiness will improve by 10-20 per cent. It doesn't need to be anything too masochistic. Gardening, amateur dramatics, even vacuuming counts: anything that gets you moving. Watching soaps on TV is a sign of mild depression. People who garden or go to the theatre are happier than those slumped in an armchair.
7. Smile. People think you look more sincere, sociable - and attractive. And, yes, faking it can work as smiling actually releases feel-good chemicals (endorphins).
8. Be your own best friend. Literally. You would defend a friend to the hilt if others bitched about them, so do the same for yourself. You can fight off your own pessimistic inner voice (usually distorted thinking based on strict parents or teachers) by concentrating on what went right during the day - it could be a pleasant conversation or a great haircut. And if something embarrassing happens, regard it as temporary. If you think about bad things in terms of "always" and "never", you have a permanent pessimistic style. Optimists blame bad events on temporary downturns ("sometimes", "lately"). They don't assume that everything is ruined. Of course, "reframing" (learning to identify and dispute automatic pessimistic thoughts) takes practice. Research shows that it takes 21 days to create a new habit pathway in the brain.
9. Give yourself a treat, whether you think you deserve it or not, and really savour it. We all need animal pleasures - a hot bath, glass of wine, a massage. Or have sex. Touching and orgasm release endorphins, whether it's going solo or with a partner.
10. Do a good turn for someone. It may sound worthy, but scientists have proved that altruism gives longer-lasting pleasure than a bar of chocolate or buying a new outfit. It triggers a cascade of positive effects, making us feel generous and capable. Anyone witnessing the good deed also benefits - they experience an emotion that psychologists call "elevation".
Liz Hoggard is the author of 'How to Be Happy: life-changing insights from the TV series Making Slough Happy'
...just someting to make me ponder why I m still not that happy. I m lack of someting in my life...
March 15, 2006
Doctors are stupid???
It's a sleepy day...I drag myself to class, yawned like 10,000 times today and still yawning...Tired because I stayed up late to do some revision, u know like those ordinary students who will only do their work the very last minute just because there's an internal exam. But it didn't help at all. :(
So there's this 12 o'clock class which we called as the "Hilang-perut class" [yeah...lost stomach class because you're too scared to go inside and endure the mental pain and u will have stomach ache everytime u're in the class becoz it's scary and all the butterflies died in ur stomach...reincarnated and die again]. And then my lecturer was telling that we're very lazy and we should work harder....bla bla bla.
Out of the sudden, she said something that really meaningful (to me at least)!:
"You're language students, you must be clever enough to play with the words. U need brain. You're not dont need to memorise everything, language isn't about memorising. U can be a doctor if you're stupid becoz u just have to memorise everyting but not here".
Wah!!!! Did u hear that? Well I don't mean anyting, I m not against doctors but I do feel happy inside me to hear that. All these while people kinda look down on students like us very often. U know, it means all those language related stuff are really brainy people. Lawyers, linguist, translator, interpretors, copywriters, deejays...and etc... u got my honour!!!
Language is not about memorising. It's about practising and applying it every single day without fail. Sometimes I just wonder if I could find someone who could provide me Jimmy Choos every single day so I don't have to go through all this. How I wish!! Sigh...I sounded so materialistic.
It's tough. I rather go back to Form 6 and do Maths everyday. I really wanted to go back time and do 10 times Form 6 Maths than doing this. I'm in my half mid life crisis...

Wah...this is my best friend!
I dont mind having a few of these...I really dont...
So there's this 12 o'clock class which we called as the "Hilang-perut class" [yeah...lost stomach class because you're too scared to go inside and endure the mental pain and u will have stomach ache everytime u're in the class becoz it's scary and all the butterflies died in ur stomach...reincarnated and die again]. And then my lecturer was telling that we're very lazy and we should work harder....bla bla bla.
Out of the sudden, she said something that really meaningful (to me at least)!:
"You're language students, you must be clever enough to play with the words. U need brain. You're not dont need to memorise everything, language isn't about memorising. U can be a doctor if you're stupid becoz u just have to memorise everyting but not here".
Wah!!!! Did u hear that? Well I don't mean anyting, I m not against doctors but I do feel happy inside me to hear that. All these while people kinda look down on students like us very often. U know, it means all those language related stuff are really brainy people. Lawyers, linguist, translator, interpretors, copywriters, deejays...and etc... u got my honour!!!
Language is not about memorising. It's about practising and applying it every single day without fail. Sometimes I just wonder if I could find someone who could provide me Jimmy Choos every single day so I don't have to go through all this. How I wish!! Sigh...I sounded so materialistic.
It's tough. I rather go back to Form 6 and do Maths everyday. I really wanted to go back time and do 10 times Form 6 Maths than doing this. I'm in my half mid life crisis...

Wah...this is my best friend!

I dont mind having a few of these...I really dont...
Looking at bling bling things like these kinda motivates me to go on with life. It gives u energy, don't u think so?
March 12, 2006
When a hand loves a camera...
Amazing stuff happens when somebody's hand meet somebody's camera:
Tadaa!!! I'm's a SUNDAY

Tadaa!!! I'm's a SUNDAY

Hmm...what should I do today?
1) Work? No mood to work...
2) Sleep? I had enough sleep since yesterday. I hibernated the whole day. Yeah sleep and blog in between
3) Study!!! Hmm...altho there's a internal exam tis coming Wednesday, what makes u think I will do that?
4) Eat! No way...I m on diet...hehe
5) Tidy the room...hmm...probably
Bah...It's a SUNDAY, and it's no fun at all.
March 11, 2006
Not Satisfied!!!
I m not satisfied with:
1) the template of this blog...I m getting frusfrated. Why is it so hard to have a retro template or maybe some with futuristic designs or maybe eye soothing one (I have search far and wide for this fish yet)
2) my body. I m fat. Everyone saying that I'm fat. Why can't they be less shallow a bit. When I'm thin, they complain I'm ugly. When I'm pretty they complain I m lack of charm and grace. What do these people want?
3) McDonalds. Why can't they serve food with less calories. Better for health.
4) Mascaras. I can't find any suitable ones. It's either too sticky or no effect at all. Bah...
5) Lecture classes. Yeah, lecture classes shouldn't be held early in the morning. Actually no class should start so early in the morning. Students are always lack of sleep, therefore we need more sleep in order to pay 100% attention (more than 50% at least for me) in class.
6) Shallow people. Yeah go on and comment about how ugly they are. If you're that handsome/pretty, u should be having fun now since u can charm anyone u want. Don't talk to me then when u're in trouble. Don't ask me to help u. Damn!
7) Money. Yeah, people will never have enough. It's so suffering to see everyone around you talk about money. Dang!
8) Life. Needless to say. For people who's not satisfied easily like me would know what I mean.

Four-leaf clover: For good luck
1) the template of this blog...I m getting frusfrated. Why is it so hard to have a retro template or maybe some with futuristic designs or maybe eye soothing one (I have search far and wide for this fish yet)
2) my body. I m fat. Everyone saying that I'm fat. Why can't they be less shallow a bit. When I'm thin, they complain I'm ugly. When I'm pretty they complain I m lack of charm and grace. What do these people want?
3) McDonalds. Why can't they serve food with less calories. Better for health.
4) Mascaras. I can't find any suitable ones. It's either too sticky or no effect at all. Bah...
5) Lecture classes. Yeah, lecture classes shouldn't be held early in the morning. Actually no class should start so early in the morning. Students are always lack of sleep, therefore we need more sleep in order to pay 100% attention (more than 50% at least for me) in class.
6) Shallow people. Yeah go on and comment about how ugly they are. If you're that handsome/pretty, u should be having fun now since u can charm anyone u want. Don't talk to me then when u're in trouble. Don't ask me to help u. Damn!
7) Money. Yeah, people will never have enough. It's so suffering to see everyone around you talk about money. Dang!
8) Life. Needless to say. For people who's not satisfied easily like me would know what I mean.

Four-leaf clover: For good luck
What a offence...this is just my point of view
Not complaining...just my point of view, don't come and shoot me after this...

Saw the pic above? Okay that was taken around 9.30am. And the same people and the same tales and chairs were still there till I left around noon. The people move a bit la of course. Still not much different.
I was nearly in tears when I arrived. Me and my friends were trying to sneak out after the first program. It started with long VIP's names and then their long winded speeches. Can't they just say short and sweet and simple things? And they can actually cut that "I-would-like-to-thank" speeches, I know u thankful, we all know it. And u know how long Datuk's name can be, it's actually like all my family members name included in one name. Dat's how long it is.
Okay, move on..oh yah before that, we're given this 'magnificant' pen as a souvenir. That's something to cheer about...

You can use it for writting like what normal pens can do and also *cheer*...become a 2 way torch light to find things when there's no source of light in a dim area. And another thing, it can detect false Ringgit Notes with the UV light on the other side. Nice right.

Ta daa!!!
Well that's not my what I wanna talk about today. I was actually thinking how some people could stand such "langweilig"(means boring in german language) is for business purposes? If so, why can't we do something exiting about it rather that the usual one? Issit possible for sponsors and organising comittee to come out with more exicting or maybe a better way of holding a conference, meeting...etc
I've got a few suggestions but it's not worth it if I post it here since no one would comment on what I say or thought. It's just that I felt it's a pity u know, in today's world, conferences and meetings are still held the traditional way like those since the Ice Age. The most interesting part in every conference I've been to, would be the food and tea time. Other than that, I can't see anyone interested in that. I've talked to a few of the participants before the conference started. Some came to accompany their spouses, some to promote his/her thing, and some just for experiance and food like me. If I were the one standing in front of the stage giving speech, I would feel very bad u see since I can see people yawning, sms-ing, playing bingo, talking about how boring the speech is, etc. I don't pay attention to what the person in front but I'm actually observing the audiences becoz I was wondering if they feel the same like me...My friend nearly trip of the chair because she nearly slept through the speeches, another one can't open her eyes coz her eyes were just too heavy. And we've make a more conferences for us if the conference have more than 5 people giving speeches. No thank you! We had enough. Hmm...I should post something on "How to make an event more successful"..."How to attract people attention when giving speeches"..."How to spell BORING at a conference". Well people, don't come and shoot me after this. This is just what a 20 someting girl felt...

Saw the pic above? Okay that was taken around 9.30am. And the same people and the same tales and chairs were still there till I left around noon. The people move a bit la of course. Still not much different.
I was nearly in tears when I arrived. Me and my friends were trying to sneak out after the first program. It started with long VIP's names and then their long winded speeches. Can't they just say short and sweet and simple things? And they can actually cut that "I-would-like-to-thank" speeches, I know u thankful, we all know it. And u know how long Datuk's name can be, it's actually like all my family members name included in one name. Dat's how long it is.
Okay, move on..oh yah before that, we're given this 'magnificant' pen as a souvenir. That's something to cheer about...

You can use it for writting like what normal pens can do and also *cheer*...become a 2 way torch light to find things when there's no source of light in a dim area. And another thing, it can detect false Ringgit Notes with the UV light on the other side. Nice right.

Ta daa!!!
Well that's not my what I wanna talk about today. I was actually thinking how some people could stand such "langweilig"(means boring in german language) is for business purposes? If so, why can't we do something exiting about it rather that the usual one? Issit possible for sponsors and organising comittee to come out with more exicting or maybe a better way of holding a conference, meeting...etc
I've got a few suggestions but it's not worth it if I post it here since no one would comment on what I say or thought. It's just that I felt it's a pity u know, in today's world, conferences and meetings are still held the traditional way like those since the Ice Age. The most interesting part in every conference I've been to, would be the food and tea time. Other than that, I can't see anyone interested in that. I've talked to a few of the participants before the conference started. Some came to accompany their spouses, some to promote his/her thing, and some just for experiance and food like me. If I were the one standing in front of the stage giving speech, I would feel very bad u see since I can see people yawning, sms-ing, playing bingo, talking about how boring the speech is, etc. I don't pay attention to what the person in front but I'm actually observing the audiences becoz I was wondering if they feel the same like me...My friend nearly trip of the chair because she nearly slept through the speeches, another one can't open her eyes coz her eyes were just too heavy. And we've make a more conferences for us if the conference have more than 5 people giving speeches. No thank you! We had enough. Hmm...I should post something on "How to make an event more successful"..."How to attract people attention when giving speeches"..."How to spell BORING at a conference". Well people, don't come and shoot me after this. This is just what a 20 someting girl felt...
March 10, 2006
1st German Alumni Conference
Anyone going?
Felt like going and also don't feel like going...
I saw the program for the day...and the one that interests me the most would be the FOOD...I mean the tea break and dinner. Other than that...hmmm..
I'll try to upload some pics for tomorrow hopefully. Hope tis won't be as boring as I expected. It would be interesting I guess...
Felt like going and also don't feel like going...
I saw the program for the day...and the one that interests me the most would be the FOOD...I mean the tea break and dinner. Other than that...hmmm..
I'll try to upload some pics for tomorrow hopefully. Hope tis won't be as boring as I expected. It would be interesting I guess...
March 09, 2006
International Summer Program of the Uni of Vienna
Yeah, that's right, on the bright side, I've just got myself an application form for a International Summer Program in Austria, University of Vienna to be exact. But I m still not sure if I can go due to several reasons.
It costs 2600 Euros to join. U have to buy ur own air tickets to reach either Austria or Germany and there'll be some shuttle bus to pick u up. And if I had the chance to go, I might have to stop one whole semester, sacrificing one whole semester but that's not the main problem. The main problem would be the's 300 Euros for God's sake and it's not cheap when u can't confirm to get a place there. They only accept 100 student from all around the world. And I don't think I'm that lucky to get a place there. The duration of the program is around 1 month. So Should I go? Arghh...I hate making decisions sometimes. People around me said the experiance is worth more than anything. Yeah I know but still it's hard to swallow the fact that I had to pay 300Euros for a non refundable deposit money. Ahem....
It costs 2600 Euros to join. U have to buy ur own air tickets to reach either Austria or Germany and there'll be some shuttle bus to pick u up. And if I had the chance to go, I might have to stop one whole semester, sacrificing one whole semester but that's not the main problem. The main problem would be the's 300 Euros for God's sake and it's not cheap when u can't confirm to get a place there. They only accept 100 student from all around the world. And I don't think I'm that lucky to get a place there. The duration of the program is around 1 month. So Should I go? Arghh...I hate making decisions sometimes. People around me said the experiance is worth more than anything. Yeah I know but still it's hard to swallow the fact that I had to pay 300Euros for a non refundable deposit money. Ahem....
Yeah some of u can buy TOTO with that number...damn kek today...
Class class class class class class class class
Work work work work work work
Drive drive drive drive drive drive
Rant rant rant rant rant rant rant
Curse curse curse curse curse curse
6311 6311 6311 6311 6311 6311 6311
Dats what I've been doing all day long. I've just got a letter from TNB (the electricity supplier) and it stated that I owe them RM6,311. That's very nice of them to charge me so much amount of money. And they even stated that I did a bypass in my metre and that's why they have to charge us so much to cover back. Blardy hell. That's very sweet of them to say that. I'm not guilty and I'm definately not gonna pay for that. The power box or whatever u called it is the one that has been sticking on the wall since ages ago and do u think I know anyone or me myself know how to do a bypass in that box? If yes, why am I not doing any bypass for KLCC so that the electricity bill wud be cheaper and Petronas will thank me for that.
And when I called ur very special phone line that u've given in the letter, guess what, I called and I don't know what happen but it seems like there're people who hung up on me for a few times. That's very rude u see. It take ages to connect back since it's always engange. And when I manage to get someone BIG to talk to me, she said, It's either u pay up or u come here and we show u the proof. That's very nice of u to say that. How "ethical". Mencuri elektrik hah...I wonder how you people do your work? I always got blackout in the middle of my work, in the middle of shower and did I do anything? I m staying in a very civilized place u see and I will forgive u if I were to stay with some orang utans or on top of some Jati tree I couldnt blame those blackout moments.
Duh...I really cant stand how some people manage theor work. It's so depressing. This is unwanted stress.
Class class class class class class class class
Work work work work work work
Drive drive drive drive drive drive
Rant rant rant rant rant rant rant
Curse curse curse curse curse curse
6311 6311 6311 6311 6311 6311 6311
Dats what I've been doing all day long. I've just got a letter from TNB (the electricity supplier) and it stated that I owe them RM6,311. That's very nice of them to charge me so much amount of money. And they even stated that I did a bypass in my metre and that's why they have to charge us so much to cover back. Blardy hell. That's very sweet of them to say that. I'm not guilty and I'm definately not gonna pay for that. The power box or whatever u called it is the one that has been sticking on the wall since ages ago and do u think I know anyone or me myself know how to do a bypass in that box? If yes, why am I not doing any bypass for KLCC so that the electricity bill wud be cheaper and Petronas will thank me for that.
And when I called ur very special phone line that u've given in the letter, guess what, I called and I don't know what happen but it seems like there're people who hung up on me for a few times. That's very rude u see. It take ages to connect back since it's always engange. And when I manage to get someone BIG to talk to me, she said, It's either u pay up or u come here and we show u the proof. That's very nice of u to say that. How "ethical". Mencuri elektrik hah...I wonder how you people do your work? I always got blackout in the middle of my work, in the middle of shower and did I do anything? I m staying in a very civilized place u see and I will forgive u if I were to stay with some orang utans or on top of some Jati tree I couldnt blame those blackout moments.
Duh...I really cant stand how some people manage theor work. It's so depressing. This is unwanted stress.
March 08, 2006
Phone Sex...w00t!!!
Yeah, just wondering if anyone had tried it or experianced it before. A few years back, there're loadsa random callers who called my house phone, maybe becoz my number is too easy to remember, even kids la, old people la, mamaks and memeks and all kinda people la would call my house number for no reason, okay la some really salah nombor la.
But got one particular day, I was kononnya studying la for duno wat exam in the middle of the night, and then suddenly RING RING...RING RING...
So, I picked up lo:
Me: Hello?
Pervert: Hello...Leng lui sek lei ka...lei tak han mou? [Hello pretty, i know u, are u free?]
Me: Huh?
Pervert: Ng tou kong ngo sek lei lo...[I told u i knw u]
Me: Sorry, ngo ng sek lei wor. [Sorry, but I don't know u]
Pervert: Mou siong kon, chui sam!!! [Nevermind. Take off ur clothes!!!]
Me: (...tooot...tooot...tooot)
After a few minutes the same guy called. I just hung up. Blardy bastard, I was like in my mid teens oni dat time, u bloody go and scare me like that for wat. Duh!!!
It's so obvious he duno how to seduce people first...say i know u and then the next take off ur clothes, even in doesnt happen that fast la...less than 3 seconds man...
Then after that case got la a few other cases, similar to the case above but the oni diff is some stupid people go and give him my handphone number and voila...he sticks to u like elephant glue, even u dont talk or hand up the phone or what so ever, he's just so determine to talk to u and tell u wat he did when he's ahem...disgusting like shit...scary..
And recently there's also another case...and I guess there'll be more to come...aih...thinking of changing my number but I like my number so muchi I don't want to change it...
But got one particular day, I was kononnya studying la for duno wat exam in the middle of the night, and then suddenly RING RING...RING RING...
So, I picked up lo:
Me: Hello?
Pervert: Hello...Leng lui sek lei ka...lei tak han mou? [Hello pretty, i know u, are u free?]
Me: Huh?
Pervert: Ng tou kong ngo sek lei lo...[I told u i knw u]
Me: Sorry, ngo ng sek lei wor. [Sorry, but I don't know u]
Pervert: Mou siong kon, chui sam!!! [Nevermind. Take off ur clothes!!!]
Me: (...tooot...tooot...tooot)
After a few minutes the same guy called. I just hung up. Blardy bastard, I was like in my mid teens oni dat time, u bloody go and scare me like that for wat. Duh!!!
It's so obvious he duno how to seduce people first...say i know u and then the next take off ur clothes, even in doesnt happen that fast la...less than 3 seconds man...
Then after that case got la a few other cases, similar to the case above but the oni diff is some stupid people go and give him my handphone number and voila...he sticks to u like elephant glue, even u dont talk or hand up the phone or what so ever, he's just so determine to talk to u and tell u wat he did when he's ahem...disgusting like shit...scary..
And recently there's also another case...and I guess there'll be more to come...aih...thinking of changing my number but I like my number so muchi I don't want to change it...
March 07, 2006
Itchy Hands...
See what happen when ur hands are itchy? Ur template so suddenly turn into someting like this. So pink like Paris Hilton, ur hit counter flew away without u knowing it. Now I have to dig back my links...Dang!!!
Drama Queen
Recently my fren told me that I m like a drama queen much emotion for small little matters. Dang! I m in my early 20s sure la got drama. Tell me la which girl got no drama...not even for a day? Oh for God's sake! It's actually a reaction u know like those u study in chemistry, when u campur the wrong thing, it will explode or change into another colour. Summore so tension studying and working siapa tak naik gila?

1. Until now my assignments pun not yet settle...
2. Work also halfway done...but good thing it is at ur own will la...freelance wert but i need some money this month, truly kosong adi becoz of petrol la...I dun drink my car also need to drink.
3. Don't have time to blog also. I like to blog but leh no time...I got many interesting stories to tell but no time to tell.
4. I got many conferences to attend. Since I m studying someting that's so rare, the only thing i can do to make my future a bit 'brighter' is to have good human relations with some certain people from certain places. Cis...
5. University Malaya's security so damn tight these days, I have to wear my tag. Dat's a small burden for me...since I have been so nice wearing my name tag everyday since Standard 1. Uni should be free like u know...without tag!!!
6. German language is so damn hard!!! It's like mathematics.
7. Dutch pronouciation is so damn hard. It's like cekik ur neck just to say good morning. try saying "Goede Morgen"'s like [Kgoede Morkggen]. Dang...see how hard it is?
Dah la cukup for today la...gonna try to finish my essay now....

1. Until now my assignments pun not yet settle...
2. Work also halfway done...but good thing it is at ur own will la...freelance wert but i need some money this month, truly kosong adi becoz of petrol la...I dun drink my car also need to drink.
3. Don't have time to blog also. I like to blog but leh no time...I got many interesting stories to tell but no time to tell.
4. I got many conferences to attend. Since I m studying someting that's so rare, the only thing i can do to make my future a bit 'brighter' is to have good human relations with some certain people from certain places. Cis...
5. University Malaya's security so damn tight these days, I have to wear my tag. Dat's a small burden for me...since I have been so nice wearing my name tag everyday since Standard 1. Uni should be free like u know...without tag!!!
6. German language is so damn hard!!! It's like mathematics.
7. Dutch pronouciation is so damn hard. It's like cekik ur neck just to say good morning. try saying "Goede Morgen"'s like [Kgoede Morkggen]. Dang...see how hard it is?
Dah la cukup for today la...gonna try to finish my essay now....
March 03, 2006
I miss the days...
I miss the days when we kiss each other goodnite before we go to bed,
I miss the days when u call me sweetie whenever I talk to u,
I miss the days when we're so in love,
I miss the days when u wanted me so much,
I miss the days when you got worried when I don't return your message,
I miss the days when you make me felt that you're THE ONE
I truly miss you...
Lack of updates because I m missing someone...weird huh? Well, sometimes it's so nice to be in love with love but for now back to reality...Loadsa work to do, assignments to finish...
How I hate life sometimes :'(
I miss the days when u call me sweetie whenever I talk to u,
I miss the days when we're so in love,
I miss the days when u wanted me so much,
I miss the days when you got worried when I don't return your message,
I miss the days when you make me felt that you're THE ONE
I truly miss you...
Lack of updates because I m missing someone...weird huh? Well, sometimes it's so nice to be in love with love but for now back to reality...Loadsa work to do, assignments to finish...
How I hate life sometimes :'(
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