On the way to Midvalley this is what I saw :

And then naik KTM...the ever not-punctual-and-always-late-for-30-minutes-public-transport. What to do, we live in such a beauuuutipul country.

And then after 25 mins of KTM-ing, I got so hungry and actually order all these in a restaurant called Shokudo. The name damn hard to remember, I always tot it's Sudoku (the maths game). :p
It's a self-service restaurant, I don't know that...I tot they are giving away free pencils. Haha.
Not Free Pencil : Write down wat u want and go and pay.
Yeah..dats the reality of life not even a free pencil. Oni can get free air. At least for now. And then my stomach is like conducting an orchestra so I just order what I feel like having. And lookie this:
Too Bad...I m having a problem with uploading...I m not in a very pleasant mood now...Arghhh...resume tomorrow. Gosh. Sorry.
i hate the friggin komuter.. the last i used it.. took the bloody wrong train..my ignorance.. took me bloody 2 hours to get to subang!
My advice: Don't ever use the KTM when u have a date...ur date will ask u to pay for his/her lunch for life. I got that already. Sometimes it's fast and sometimes it's slow, sometimes when I expect the KTM to be slow so I plan 3 hours ahead...I have to wait extra 3 in KL Sentral waiting for my date. I could have do so many things....
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