November 30, 2005
OMG!!! About love again?
Your heartbeat accelerates, you have butterflies in the stomach, you feel euphoric and a bit silly. It's all part of falling passionately in love -- and scientists now tell us the feeling won't last more than a year.
The powerful emotions that bowl over new lovers are triggered by a molecule known as nerve growth factor (NGF), according to Pavia University researchers.
The Italian scientists found far higher levels of NGF in the blood of 58 people who had recently fallen madly in love than in that of a group of singles and people in long-term relationships.
But after a year with the same lover, the quantity of the 'love molecule' in their blood had fallen to the same level as that of the other groups.
The Italian researchers, publishing their study in the journal Psychoneuroendocrinology, said it was not clear how falling in love triggers higher levels of NGF, but the molecule clearly has an important role in the "social chemistry" between people at the start of a relationship.
Just 1 more romantic love?
Romantic love lasts just a year
ROME (BBC Health News) -- Some couples may disagree, but romantic love lasts little more than a year, Italian scientists believe.
The University of Pavia found a brain chemical was likely to be responsible for the first flush of love.
Researchers said raised levels of a protein was linked to feelings of euphoria and dependence experienced at the start of a relationship.
But after studying people in long and short relationships and single people, they found the levels receded in time.
The team analyzed alterations in proteins known as neurotrophins in the bloodstreams of men and women aged 18 to 31, the Psychoneuroendocrinology journal reported.
They looked at 58 people who had recently started a relationship and compared the protein levels in the same number of people in long-term relationships and single people.
In those who had just started a relationship, levels of a protein called nerve growth factors, which causes tell-tale signs such as sweaty palms and the butterflies, were significantly higher.
Of the 39 people who were still in the same new relationship after a year, the levels of NGF had been reduced to normal levels.
Report co-author Piergluigi Politi said the findings did not mean people were no longer in love, just that it was not such an "acute love".
"The love became more stable. Romantic love seemed to have ended."
And he added the report suggested the change in love was down to NGF.
"Our current knowledge of the neurobiology of romantic love remains scanty.
"But it seems from this study biochemical mechanisms could be involved in the mood changes that occur from the early stage of love to when the relationship becomes more established."
However, he said further research was needed.
Dr. Lance Workman, head of psychology at Bath Spa University, said: "Research has suggested that romantic love fades after a few years and becomes companionate love and it seems certain biological factors play a role.
"But while we are a pair-bonding species, there is some doubt over whether this is within monogamous relationships or not. "Different societies have different practices and trends."
November 29, 2005
If your loved ones didn't call you...
(from desperate-for-a-phone-call girlfriend to her boyfriend)
Gal: Hello darling, how are you? You didn't miss me meh?
Boy: I m doing great. Of course I miss u la. How bout you?
Gal : Not so good. I havent eaten for 5 days 12 hours and 16 minutes.
Boy: On diet ar? Why didn't eat for so long? Are you sick?
Gal: Nope, I didn't want my mouth to be full of food when you call
Boy: *speechless*...err...
It works like magic. No arguements. He'll get the hint (unless he's a relative of Porky the Pig).
Free Harry Potter - Goblet of Fire Books!!!'s in word format and not a real book. Someone gave me a link...a link to a book paradise, all the books from JK Rowling, Tolkien, Terry Prachett, etc. Too bad I lost the link but I remember I did access to that page earlier this year and it's not working. So I guess they shut down the page due to privacy reasons.
And the good news is, I actually did copy Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire into a word format and I did actually save it. And today I had nothing to do so I decided to go "treasure hunt" looking through old folders and voila! I found LOTR- part 1. Damn. I was foolish enough not to save all the books there. I learnt my lesson. If something's worth gold, take immediate actions. It's a big regret.
What's love...?
This is an excerpt love story of a girl and a mid 20's guy :
And I m writting this at almost 2am in the morning. It begins like this on a night a week after Valentine's day in 2004...
During that time the girl was working hard balancing between work and studies, while this guy who had just graduated from a university in UK came back to Malaysia and was looking for a job. This girl was the complete opposite of that guy, she only know how to work and tries her best to get some time for her studies because she barely touches her schoolbooks. And this guy have been sitting at home like what normal unemployed fresh grads do. She's busy and he's free. She wished a day would last for 48 hours while he's not.
One fine day, while she's working online, a guy came up to her in her ICQ. That's where the story begins...[because ICQ was pretty damn slow, they moved on to MSN instead] they chat, they share their love and fears for every single thing in the world. It was truly amazing the hours the spent online and the passion involved.
One night...
The girl put a pic of her hugging her pet dog as her display pic but she keeps on changing it because she was chatting with her best friend and showing her pictures on the other window, the guy noticed the picture with the dog...and this is what the guy said to her :
GUY says:hey, was that u?
GUY says:not now of course
GUY says:before......
GUY says:big glasses
GIRL says:well...dats my homey look
GUY says:but u R PRETTY
GUY says:i like it
GIRL says:i m not...u saw the dog izzit?
GIRL says:well...not fair u put a duck there
GUY says:i saw a girl hugging a dog
GUY says:i have not pic in this comp
GIRL says:dats my dog and a fella lar
GIRL says:dunno why she's in the pic
GIRL says:u know...tak han mou si jou
GUY says:realllllllllyyyyyy>
GIRL says:i knew her
GUY says:see again? guy ah that one?
GUY says:sure looks very feminie
GIRL says:u mean which wan?
GUY says:the girl with the dog
GIRL says:this? [displaying a jude law's pic]
GUY says:not u?
GIRL says:dats me la
GUY says:nope..thats jude law
GIRL says:just now la
GIRL says:serious la
GIRL says:the dig
GIRL says:dog
GUY says:ha ha...yes lah...i think u r pretty
GUY says:truthfully and honestly i do
GIRL says:maybe u very long time din see girls gua
GUY says:??
GUY says:hey.....i watch TV
GIRL says:hmm...oki..well...dats me at home...
GUY says:i like the homey look......its honest
GUY says:so how r u at anywhere else?
The girl didn't have any reaction because she's got a lot of experiance dealing with people with a sweet mouth. But then her instinct told her this guy is different, there's something different about him that she cannot explain. She know she's not THAT pretty like her classmates and friends but somehow she felt weird that the guy would say something like that, just like the proverb, "Beauty lies in the eye on the beholder". Very magical. She found her attracted to the guy even she hadn't see his pic before. But she keeps on telling herself not to get carried away. Not to let things like this bother her.
As time goes by, this guys sticks to her like UHU glue no matter what, no matter thick or thin, no matter sunny or rainy days. Keeps on supporting her all the way. It was a rough time for her, many things happened including death of a close family member. She's happy to have a caring friend like this but she never thought that the relationship can actually go furthur than that.
As time goes by, it's not a feeling like what u had for normal friends. It grows deep with a lot of passion, care and....[da BOMB] love! After all that, they decided to meet up and the rest was history.
But, the sad part was after a few months of being together, the guy got a job offer out of the state. It was sad, it was really unsteady because of the distance. The girl felt like leaving him because of the distance but she keep faith to herself telling her not to be childish and let GOD decide. It was a rocky relationship at first. Long distance relationship is no for the weak. It's full of challenge. They only meet once a month. It's so difficult and painful for her. Phone calls are getting lesser and lesser each day. She still keep stong, standing and hoping something could change the way. And she's still confuse, it's more than a 1000 times she wanted to leave him and start a new life because she felt insecure with the relationship [u know girls, emo type]. But the guy is different, he actually tought nothing really happen and he's really happy with it. He even have plans for her for the next 50 years ahead.
And after more than 1 and a half years of clinging on the relationship, the girl found some old documents in her computer and there're some old history. She read it....tears began rolling down her cheeks as it was really nostalgic reading their past history[emo again, gals u know]. She learnt something. Guys and girls handle their relationships differently. Girls wanted full attention but guys would prefer to attend to them when they feel it's neccessary.
So guys please understand that all women needs full attention. Gals, pls understand that guys have loadsa work to do and when they say they love u, they really meant it [unless he's a JERK] although they didn't give you 100% of that. This is the new age of "Money can buy happiness" as in they earn money to buy LV bags for u.
As for the girl in the story, we can't blame her for her emotional distress, it's her 1st ever steady relationship with a guy. She's been 'fooling around' before he came to her life.
Disclaimer : Not me la duh...stop thinking so much.
November 28, 2005

Yaay...I dont feel good today. Pretty down...have to stop writting this morning for that "Midvalley" post. Some interruptions. I got really pissed off if people around me having bad moods, they will affect me aswell. It's contagious. Really...and I hate people shouting, screaming, making a mess out of their lives. I want peace. But not that kinda peace that will last forever. Choi! Choi! Just a while.
I need a break. A long holiday and I can't wait till 2nd of December. I m going to Bangkok...erm actually through HatYai. I will return on the 18th. Gonna shop shop shop...mostly for my friends. Loadsa pictures to be taken for my work. Yeah...about 500 pictures. Need money to survive. Holiday + work. Will be staying at my grandaunt's house and then granduncle's house. grandma is chinese with Thai nationality, my late grandpa dual nationality. They are chinese, so I m not mixed? How I wish I have those Thai girl's eyes and nose...sometimes.
Gonna be obese when I got back. the last trip to southern Thailand last year, I gain 3 kgs!!! Well, my another grandaunt bring me around the small town and I had 13 meals a day excluding deserts. Yum...I m drooling rite now. Hey, talking about food actually makes me forget about the bad day I had just now.
I m bored. It's weird, when I m studying, I wanted to work. Now for the semester break..when I m working back...I actually miss my lectures. Well....this is what I call, giving unwanted problems to myself.
Why do I come to planet earth on the first place?
My so called 'Midvalley Theraphy' Part 2

The menu, it's written in English with some Japanese, Thai name. Well, it's fusion which leads to confusion.
Hmm...where do I stop? Ahh...The food, so I acted like a hungry ghost because I m really hungry, all my frens had breakfast and I had breakslow (my term of too busy to have breakfast). I decided to have brunch instead with all these nice food, I could I resist :

Some Nuggets but they give a nice name for it:
Tori Thai
Ten Don
It's actually tempura with rice. Didnt have the chance to taste it... :(

Oh, I forgot...including this Chawan Mushi....

Taste not like original chawan mushi...i called it plastic mushi. It taste very commercialized. Uh..uh..
After a good meal, we rush to the cinema...for ZATHURA. Sorry...didnt snap anything, it was freezing cold inside, I cant even dig my nose. It was a good one but expected storylines. Well almost all the movies nowadays have expected storylines...Bah...
And then, I sat on a bench staring and thinking at my bag...
And then stare up....
Thinking about life.... be continue
November 27, 2005
My so called 'Midvalley Theraphy' Part 1
On the way to Midvalley this is what I saw :

And then naik KTM...the ever not-punctual-and-always-late-for-30-minutes-public-transport. What to do, we live in such a beauuuutipul country.

And then after 25 mins of KTM-ing, I got so hungry and actually order all these in a restaurant called Shokudo. The name damn hard to remember, I always tot it's Sudoku (the maths game). :p
It's a self-service restaurant, I don't know that...I tot they are giving away free pencils. Haha.
Not Free Pencil : Write down wat u want and go and pay.
Yeah..dats the reality of life not even a free pencil. Oni can get free air. At least for now. And then my stomach is like conducting an orchestra so I just order what I feel like having. And lookie this:
Too Bad...I m having a problem with uploading...I m not in a very pleasant mood now...Arghhh...resume tomorrow. Gosh. Sorry.
Yuhoo...What's going on with the server?
Okay..I m trying again..not gonna give up. Geramnya...
November 26, 2005
I give up...
Okay...I give up...maybe I m just too tired...gonna 'torture' u again tomorrow bloggie. I have just browse thru 100 articles x 6 different topics = 600 articles!!! And that poor database is down. Damn it!!! When I feel very semangat-ed to do things sure sumting like this happen. And browse about 300 pictures. No wonder my specs getting thicker each day. Talking about specs, what if this go on for like 50 years? Am I going to be like this?

*School teachers gonna strangle me to death if they c this.
Oh no! Hey..maybe dats not bad after all...hmm...I must look on the positive side...guys said wearing specs means look more intellectual wor (at least my guy frens said so). But most guys dont like smart ass rite? Whatever it is memang fate i have to see the world with specs coz my paps is a specky, my grands are speckies, most of my family members are speckies, even if they dont wear specs, they purposely spoil their eyes with PS2, porn, etc...*sigh*
Btw, this is my favourite shot. Not mine of course. My my...I love create wonders!!!
Gonna catch up with the girls tomorrow...gonna catch a movie and maybe some good food. Gonna write a food review tomorrow i think...and more food shots..Syiok!!!!
Just Steewpeeed!!!
Issit me or is it the complicated settings of this blog thing? I need help!!! Argh..I felt so stupid, useless, uneducated, whatever u wanna call it. This is even harder than my Form 6 Maths.'s just about 6 months only...I didnt touch u dear bloggie, why u wanna treat me like this? I know how to set you up in the first place...I m sure I know how to deal with those HTML codes, I m very very sure where's ur strong point, wat happen to u dearie? I just wanna make all the things here more...erm..systematic...more tidy...u know wat i mean...I don't want any award-winning designs, I just wanna make u look tidy, dats it that hard huh? Come come...let me kiss u...*muaks muaks*..pls be nice okay..dont gimme headaches okay...

Anyone volunteer to help? Poor thing here?
Yes, up to this point I m getting a lil bit pathetic...Can anyone explain to me wat those weird words in the settings...
How embarrasing...
Why? Why? Why? And here are the reasons why:

- I had so many blogs, online diaries, personal webbies since 2001 and I hardly update any of them including this. Gosh, I created Obelisk since May this year and look wat happen...barely any post at all.
- I always read other people's blog and leave them comments as "anonymous" when I have a proper
non-workingblog. - Have so much time on the internet but procrastinate to update a single thing on any of my so called blogs. Biggest PROCRASTINATOR on planet Earth. Anyone wanna share the rank with me? I bet loadsa them dying to become one. ;)
- And the best thing of all...( I hate myself for this)...not publishing any of my interesting sightings i.e. UFOs, Brad-Pitt-kissing-me-Angelina-Jolie-bashing-me-for-that kinda stories...Really!!! I lead a abnormal dats why
Okay...from now on I will update this blog whenever I have the time...even a few seconds (maybe interesting pictures, pornographic scenes, etc...) *Keeping my fingers crossed*
Leave comments not as "Anonymous" becoz that's so not me and that's so pathetic and so so #%$&*
Hope everything goes well....