September 13, 2008

I don't know anymore

I am feeling at lost again. I don't know what I want now.

I am frustfrated with all the application forms, air tickets, money problems, cancelation problems, stupid problems, etc etc.

I am frustfrated with my bosses who havent pay me a single cent yet since March, I am frustfrated with the company which I opened doors for for not paying my last payment, I am frustfrated with my friend who owe me a quite big amount of money which can be used to pay for my air tickets, I am frustfrated with the people who has negative thoughts who made my day gloomier and also a lot of other stupid stuff which I think is not necessary in life.

I am also frustfrated with myself who still have feelings for someone but still have not got the guts to tell him the truth.

I am frustfrated with everything and everyone around me.

This time I did not run away. I face them with my bare face. That is why I am so frustfrated.

I am so tired of the things around me.


It's been 9 months since my last drop of alcohol. I've made it. I won the bet.

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