September 26, 2008

Babies babies uncle is now a dad. And I saw the baby's pic and she is soooooooo cute. And she shares the same birthdate with my best friend. Wahahaha.

And I am honoured because they gave me the honour to name their baby's middle name. Ain't that sweet...

My uncle always asked me, "So when is your turn?"

And I will always answer, "What turn?"

He will definately says, "Your turn to get married and have babies laaah"

And I will give him a blank look like this O____O

...because I know I won't make a good mother for now. I am not committed to be one yet.

A lot of my attached friends are planning to get married in 3 years time, while me on the other hand, am planning to feed leaves to the girraffes in Africa or sand boarding somewhere in the world in 3 years time.

But looking at those baby photos makes me feel that I would like to have one now. Maybe this is another syndrome of my so-called quarter life crisis. Rite?

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