August 29, 2008


There are things that are really irrelevant to me.

i.e: Hey, your aunt is coming over to XXXXX to visit us and we'll have a family gathering...yada yada....yada yada...

i.e: Your aunt is very annoying, yada yada yada....

i.e I really can't stand your aunt, she's such a #%&* and #^**^ and yada yada yada

Hell aunt is my aunt and I am me. No point complaining to me or telling me whatever stories about her. I don't care. I am not bothered. Sometimes being patient is like having a frog in your body. You feel so sick you will wanna kill yourself and take that frog out and prefer to die than to live again. see that is why I prefer to be alone most of the time despite being a social butterfly at the same time. Being alone let you have time to think logically and be less emotional.

And women are those species on earth that are very very emotional. Bad bad. I am emotional because of the women around me that creates endless problems and also being jealous all the time. Jeez...I really don't understand them.

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