1. the act of committing.
2. the state of being committed.
3. the act of committing, pledging, or engaging oneself.
4. a pledge or promise; obligation: We have made a commitment to pay our bills on time.
5. engagement; involvement: They have a sincere commitment to religion.
6. perpetration or commission, as of a crime.
7. consignment, as to prison.
8. confinement to a mental institution or hospital: The psychiatrist recommended commitment.
9. an order, as by a court or judge, confining a person to a mental institution or hospital.
10. Law. a written order of a court directing that someone be confined in prison; mittimus.
11. Parliamentary Procedure. the act of referring or entrusting to a committee for consideration.
12. Stock Exchange.
a. an agreement to buy or sell securities.
b. a sale or purchase of securities.
The reason why I am posting this up is because I am told by my boss that I am not committed enough. Or not even committed at all at work. And today my uncle told me that I am not ready for any kind of commitment. And another uncle of mine said that I can't be committed at all.
Ok. Fine. Commitment has always been a big word for me. I will only commit if like my the thing that I am doing. I.e: Committed to my job as a photographer. Or commit myself to someone I love. But if I am forced to do something I don't like, it's hard to even care about it. So now, it's like being forced to commit myself into my work. I would really love to tell my boss this (but I can't):
Hello Boss,
Frankly speaking, I hate to work here. I am being treated like a slave and I honestly don't like it at all. Or worse still no respect at all, just like a dog..you know. And with that kind of working condition, how do you want me to commit here? Commit my life as a slave to this company so you can spend more money and I have to do those work that people don't do for life? Hell no.
Because of my unhappiness of working here, I have health problems due to being emotionally tortured by the fact that I have to open that damn door everyday and also taking care of the cleaner of the office. What sort of training are you giving me? It's been a month (God bless me...I am still alive), and I am still doing the same thing while other people has been learning more things and improving themselves and my life is still at point 0.
And everyday, just because you want to show your power to me, you scolded me over petty stuff and even at stuff that I didn't do and still it's my fault. And I am tough enough to get scolded by you and admit the fault even I didn't do it...EVERY SINGLE DAY!
Do I need to get you a book on Human Rights so that you know how to treat your employees right? Just because you can offer a better pay doesn't mean that you can scold whenever you like or ask me to do silly things like watering the plants.
Sometimes, I am so pissed you with that I could have stabbed you with the letter opener or that IKEA glass on your head.
Seriously, whatever you promised me during that interview went to the drain. It's totally different from what is being promised. You said that I will get the chance to learn the nature of business, sales and marketing, but hell no. I only know how to water the plants and open the doors perfectly.
I shall wait for 2-3 more months to see the result? Ridiculous. If I am given the chance, I could have stop now. That would make me so happy because I don't have to see your damn face everyday and your ridiculous scoldings. And that's it. End of story.
Yours Faithfully,
Employee of XXXXXXX company
I took MC today because I am sick. The doctor gave me some very sleepy medication that I can't help but to fall asleep like a bear in hibernation.
Although I am sick but I am happy enough because I don't have to go to work.
Every morning I drag myself to work. What is the meaning of life when you have to force yourself doing something you don't like just because of money? Ahhh well....everyone will say, "Well you have to do it for MONEY." Jeez.
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