I m in Dubai airport right now. I nearly vommited inside the plane after a very digusting meal called "Nasi Himpit". Don't try that no matter what. After 7 hours of struggling on where to put my legs and head and body, I found temporary peace here. Here I m in the Emirates Business Lounge. Enjoying tonnes of food and drinks. Wahahahahahaha. All these thanks to my weirdness of attracting people lead me to a nice middle-aged woman and so happened that her daughter who's there aswell studied in the same university like I do, just that different course...all that in KLIA. And so happened that her daughter is a good friend of my friend and so we talked endlessly about how small the world is. We got parted inside the place, I had to sit at the back of the plane because of my lovely sit number 49D while theirs is 15 something. Then I found them again in Dubai International Airport and now with her husband (who's working in Dubai) is a frequent flyer with Emirates and they got me in here for FREE. They are flying to Venice...woo....nice.
OMG...another 7 hours plane ride. Next time, don't ever transit, it is very torturing. Never ever transit. Remember that. My next flight would be in 4 hours time and I can't wait to sleep at my hotel room.
Till then....
if u dont transit, u sit in the plane for 14 hrs..that, i do not advise to do so.
That's even better man...i don't have to worry about waking up. i will ust pop a pill and sleep till the plane arrives.
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