When asked why did they choose to learn german language, this is what they said:
"My husband is a german"
"My boyfriend is a german'
"I married a german guy"
It's weird but I think I am in love with studying. Hahahaha. I can't wait for the next class and the other. It's fun and I didn't fell asleep at all. Funny eh? I even did my homework. Wonderful isn't it. Apart from studying, I did my revision. How weird can that be? For 22 years since I came to this world, I actually enjoy what I did for now...studying.
I like it here because I got weird classmates. There's one guy from Japan, he sits beside me and he's crazy like me but more on the quiet side. He said he learns german language to forget about lovesick. And I have to bear with his craziness because he's my language partner in class. Duh.
Then there's a woman from Romania who sits on my left hand side, she cracks jokes like there's no tomorrow (yeah, she's another one with a german husband). Another crazy woman. And there's another one from Turkey and Taiwan, all crazy people.
And guess what. The whole world is learning german language and why in Malaysia there's only 6 of us? There's another university in Malaysia who offered german language course but they're way far far far behind us.
South Koreans are everywhere in the uni, Taiwanese and people from east Europe are here and where the hell are all the Malaysians? There're even a few Singaporeans here. Jeez...Malaysians only spend their money for Guccis and Pradas and food but not into education. How sad can that be?
The past few days was not easy for me. I had to go through the scary part of taking public transportation in Germany all by myself. The public transportation here is so good....I felt very uneasy. But I was brave enough to go through that alone. ALONE!!! It's not easy...first with the bus and then with the S-Bahn and then U-Bahn and then the trains. I m all alone in a foreign country with super duper hi-tech transportation system. Back in Malaysia, I don't even use the bus to travel. Imagine that. But I told myself not to be scared since I m already that BRAVE enough to come here (to another side of the world) all by myself.
Pardon my english. I've been speaking german and only german here. I didn't know my level of german is actually usable. Hahaha. I went in for a test to determine my level of german without studying so that I know my level of proficiency. I got a 6. That means I am in level 6 out of 10 levels. That's quite high as level 10 is university level and I think I don't deserve to be in level 6. And I am the only one in my class who is a newbie. My classmates had gone through a few levels of german language before they can get into level 6. The problem for me now is that my Vocabulary is always in English and my grammar sucks big time. And also my confusion with the other 6 languages.
My host was so impressed with my ability of learning languages and also communicating with people of different races, she said that I have an IQ level of 200 to 300. Another radiology doctor said that I have greater brains than his. I get loadsa compliments in Germany but back in Malaysia I am no doubt a piece of shit. Language students get more exposure here and a wider range of career and studies. That's why I m a piece of shit in Malaysia like what "yellow" said to his parents about me. Language is not even an important subject back home, it's merely to talk and to bullshit. If I have the chance, I would consider to study here but I would like to work first and see how my future goes.
Man....I love to study. Weird eh?
Boy oh boy...I m getting fat. I will go back to Malaysia as a whale. I eat non-stop, and I just can't help it. I went to 3 different Christmas Market today and I ate:

...all by myself. I have really HUGE appetite here. I can't imagine what will happen to me in the next few weeks. Not even 1 week here I m already eating like that...
Hi! Are you really getting fat or just joking?
Reli FAT...:(
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