July 25, 2006


I wish to recover soon because
- some nice courteous people promised to watch movie with me
- some nice kind people wanted to treat me lunch and dinner
- some nice beautiful people wanted to bring me out for a drink
- some nice interesting people wanna chill out with me
- some nice nice people wanna help me destress with shopping...dat is

On the other hand, I'm eye-ing on a new backpack because I stuffed too many books inside it...and the bag can't handle it and ta daa...kaput. So kesian, just the 3rd week and I need a new bag.


monkticon said...

*erkss...aku macam terasa jer...

Obelisk Dee said...

Terasa leh? Faham-faham je la...

monkticon said...

faham...aku faham...
nanti bila u free...kite tengok movie ok... :p