"Mr. H, Have you ever come across a watermelon before in ur life?"
And yet "some" people at my workplace can still close one eye for tis stupid little mistake.
Apart from work, well, actually I'm on hiatus at work since Uni started. My life is like those clothes inside a washing machine. Wash. Rinse. Spin/Tumble dry. Full Stop. Every single day from Monday to Friday. Just that I chill out a bit on Saturdays. It's such a good feeling to be able to sleep without FEAR.
I've got a presentation this coming Friday on International Relations when I don't even have the book or references. It's a political subject. And again I m lucky number 1 to kick off the semester. Am I goin to survive this? It's okay to be lucky number 1, but the thing is it consists 30 percent of my final exam marks. I really hope I dont screw up the whole presentation. Stress.
Before that, I'll have to prepare a sketch in German language because I found that I can't talk in public if I were to memorise a few pages. I m more to the spontaneous side where ideas came in just like that and talk all I want. Gonna do it properly since me and my coursemate are bearing the name of the University. Fuh...stress again.
And did I mention I got small exam every single week for different subjects? You wouldn't wan to be in my shoes. It's terrifying.
I should say this week is a busy week with loadsa social and educational stuff going on and I'm involved with it. I would first love to apologise to a few friends of mine which I had "abandon" and "ffk-ed" (ffk literally means fong fei kei as in not being able to turn up to a date/appointment).
Anyway, let's play some guessing game. I'm actually organising my Singapore and Indonesia folder which I had promised to blog.

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