December 22, 2008

Dearest J

To the nicest guy I have ever met on planet earth:

1) Thank you for being there for me when needed
2) I really appreciate the things you did for me now and then
3) I hope you will stay strong and be strong although I am not there by your side
4) If there´s a thing called fate, you can be sure that I will be by your side again
5) I wish you all the best of luck wherever you are
6) Sorry for asking so many questions...I am always curious
7) Sorry for giving weird names like horse and duck to you, I will always be the egg tart no matter what
8) I heard from S what you have told him about me. It´s really flattering. I didn´t know I am worth that much. And yes thank you for liking me
9) Sorry to annoy you sometimes. I know I am annoying. But you like me to be annoying, right?
10) I will explain the theories that I know or found in a better way when there´s chance
11) I never had anyone ever in my life running across countries just to meet up with me. Thank you. I know I ruined your plan a bit but I hope everything is on time. Please Facebook me when you have the chance.
12) There´s no such thing such as egg tart rehabilitation. I created that word so that you won´t get addicted to egg tart. It´s not easy but I know you can do well without your egg tart.
13) I really hope you could be there when I blow the whistle. I do.
14) We missed our duck rice. So you still owe me one.
15) I know you like Madrid. But I don´t. But it´s not about the place that matters. I wish to be in Venice with you. Hopefully.

December 21, 2008

Day 1 in Madrid

After days of being in Portugal, which is a very nice country, I am finally in Madrid. This place is filled with drunkyards and dirty streets and weird looking people. I don´t really like it here.

Guess who I will be meeting after this? I will be meeting up with someone who changed his world tour plan just for me. He has already changed his plans since Portugal to be with me and now the same for Madrid.

I don´t know what I should do with him. He´s American and I am Malaysian. Pretty far for a relationship. I don´t know...I really don´t.

The thing about me dating white guys, I don´t know either. It just happens.

When I go back to Berlin and then to Malaysia, I would probably be crying again like last year...nearly for the same reason.

So I shall just keep every moment spent with him and my friend here in Madrid. Till then...

I will be going to Barcelona in 3 days time. So See you in Barcelona!!!

December 19, 2008

Again and again...

He is as sweet as sugar, in fact better than sugar and honey added together
Sadly, we have to part tonight and that's another end to my another sad story in life. Where the fate will bring us? I wish to know...

There's so much in common between us.We even nearly share the same birthdate, we think the same, we like the same things and everything seems to be so perfect, he's like the missing jigsaw puzzle of my heart. I have never fallen for someone so fast in my life.

So there goes,this time in Portugal, I fall for someone, I dated him for 4 days and now it's time to say goodbye. Damn. Savour the moment! That's the only thing I can say.

December 17, 2008


Just a quick note...I am still alive here and yesterday was like another drama day for me

an american guy confessed to me saying he likes me very much and i was like >WTF???

The story is long, it's like fate...everything feels like fate with him

jeeeeezzz...i wish i could tell u more but people are lining up to use this computer, i shall tell more details when i have some privacy.

and now he wants to be with me till his last trip or so many dramas in a day?

December 15, 2008

Day 1 in Lisbon

At 3am this morning, I was hoping that my friend could exchange my place and be here and I will exchange with him to go to work. I was blur, half awake, half sane, half of me is gone. I can´t remember what happened after that, all I can remember is going through the cold weather to Schoenefeld and then paid 18 euros becoz my luggage was too biggggg..which is bullshit.

And thank you for the nice dinner and that river water. I forgot to finish everything before I go and I was starving like mad once I reached the airport.

I got not enough sleep for 4 days in a row and I m really moodless to go anywhere but to sleep. Then on the airplane on my way here, I slept like a pig for 4 hours. And here I am in Lisbon. I can finally see the sun and it´s amazing how I miss the sun.

Lisbon so far is like San Diego to me but with San Francisco bridge and cabel car. Okay...I shall go do some sight seeing now. Till laters.

Hello Portugal!

Omg Omg Omg!!!

I am scared. I m afraid. Scared and afraid to travel alone to Portugal.

I hope I didn't miss out something in my luggage. I really do.

Okay I have to stop writing now, I am going to have dinner with a friend and then I will go straight to the airport.

See you in Portugal!!!

December 13, 2008

Problems problems

If I have a million dollars, I will stuck it in the mouth of someone. Seriously...I have been wanting to do that since I was young.

My gawdddddd...Why do some people loves to give me problems when I am away and ask me to do impossible things? I really don't understand. Please leave me in peace and peace shall be upon him/her aswell.

I realised today, that I am not looking for myself. I am actually avoiding some people back home, not wanting to deal with them at all, not wanting to argue or anything.

I want to settle down some place far away from a place I called home.

December 12, 2008


Attention everybody!!!

I am not who I am. I am not the person you knew for the past few years. I can't help it but I think I am not myself anymore.

1) I eat chocolates!!! (My friends knew I don't eat chocolates THAT much)
2) I prefer cooking than sitting in front of the computer
3) I don't have the desire to travel like what I used to do
4) I make fun of myself everytime
5) I drink wine nearly everyday
6) I eat a lot of cheese
7) I jump around like a monkey with my crazy friends as if I am still 18

I think I am going trough some kind of delayed teenage years now. I felt that I have never had a teenage life and now I am living my life like an 18 year old.

Which is gooood! I have been fighting to conquer the world and now I don't feel like it anymore.

And yea...I will be going back to Malaysia in about a month's time. Hmm...should I be happy or should I be sad?

Should I laugh or should I cry? Another stage of life yea? I understand. I will just go with the wind. Where the wind will bring me.

December 11, 2008

Bla bla bla

Looks like December is the month of breaking up. 3 of my friends broke up with his/her gf/bf after 4-5 years of relationship. Yes, 4-5 years.

I don't know what to say. I am speechless.

And I heard from another friend, that another friend has just broke up aswell. OMG!!!

Some people say staying single is the better. Yeah, if you asked me, I would say, NO. Being single is terrible. But on the bright side, I have no one to report to. No one to nag or fight or be in a emotional roller coaster. On the dark side would be...being lonely, no one to fight with, no one to nag, etc etc.

I am flying to Portugal this coming Monday and I don't know why I didn't feel excited at all. I have no excitement. I am travelling alone. And my dad doesn't know about this either.

Maybe it's the weather, it's making me crazy. I am not normal now. It's been 3 days since I talk and move like a monkey. I can't sit still, I have to jump around and make fun of people. I have to poke fun of my classmates next to me or create new words which doesn't exist in german language such as Baby Maschine, esse-ing, etc etc. And tomorrow gonna be another day in class where the teacher will make fun of me. I don't know why but he loooooooooooooovvvvesss poking fun of me in front of others and I will be speechless and others will laugh till they roll on the floor.

Owh...I need the sun. I need my friends. I need spicy food. I need a good beach. I need authentic asian food. Come let's go to Afrika!!!

December 05, 2008

Gaining gaining

My friend just bought a digital scale from Saturn and guess what....

I gained 5kgs!!!!!!!!!!!!

Should I laugh or should I cry? Fat is good for the winter but not good for health.

5kgs is A LOT. I wonder what I ate throughout the month?


This month is a month of breaking up. 2 of my girlfriends broke up with their boyfriend after 4-5 years of relationship. Sad isn't it?

Why why why? I find that relationships are really hard to staying single is better. But when the weather is cold and sad like this, it's always better to have someone by your side.

Scary though. Having to go through it. But they are strong enough. My lecturer once told us to be strong with the motto,"You are not my first and won't be my last." Wow! That's like...auch!

But they are strong enough. I have to go back to my studies and work work work before I drain myself dry for the holidays!

December 04, 2008

Updates seems like I have been missing in action for quite a while...

Well well...I have been busy with loadsa loadsa stuff and my time here flies soooo fast like a super rocket.

It's nearly 1am here and I am still not done with my accommodation booking. Owh gosh, I just made a mistake and now I have to send an email to them telling them the mistake. Jeez....I have even paid for it.

And yes, I will be having a week holiday in Portugal and then a week in Spain and then a week in Italy before flying back to Berlin. 3 weeks of holiday!!! Wunderbar!

And I will be very broke by then...

I think I should go to sleep now as I have class tomorrow at 8.30am. Ahhh...classes...