It's amazing how people react to one another on certain occasion. Most of them are fakies with fake heart and fake soul just because they wanna look good in front of other people. The poorer counterpart will fake their everything to match the rich counterpart. The rich one will pretend to be poor and humble.
It's so obvious. I felt like slapping the fakies and ask them to WAKE UP and SHUT THE FUCK UP! It's also amazing how people treat me the way I am not supposed to be treated just because I am influential in some ways (yeah thanks to my years of building good rapport). And the best part is, they will talk bad behind my back thinking that I don't know anything about it.
So's disgusting. Can't they treat people sincerely? There're a lot of people faking themselves when they are around me. I hate it. I am expecting sincerity not fakies. I have to control my emotions now. I have to resist from throwing disgusting fits at those fakies. Patience is all I need now.
Chinese New Year is also the time where everyone flashes their new designer bags and shoes and make-up. I shall remain the one without any make-up, and worse still...without any new clothes for the occasion and I will still wear my RM24.99 slippers all week long. One shall like me for who I am not for which designer bag I am carrying. Maybe I should start "faking" myself next year. I will dress myself in Diane von Furstenberg and carry a lil Marc Jacobs around with black Louboutin heels with tonnes of make-up and start talking about buying a house in Switzerland...I wanna be fake.
I wanna be fake fake fake. I shall learn from the fakies. Oh hail the fakies. Maybe I can accept more people once I am fake since everyone is getting faker these days.
I am so damn blardy emotional now because I am resisting myself from screaming at some fakies. I am keeping quiet for the time being. Shhhhhh....
3 comments: thing for sure..make-up is not trying to be fake larr..people make up for various reason but not to be fake..unless u meant those profesional conmen like those in Mission Impossible.
I noticed some of them only flashes their so called new designer bags during cny etc..but why get upset with those? its not like you dont have? be it a gift from aunts or bought from chinatown or the real thing. I dont get it why u have to be so fucked up about these.
what have these 'fake' ppl done to u this time??? Dont you think your conscience will haunt you if you become fake in everything?
I felt being fake is "more fun" sometimes. I see them having loadsa fun, laughing here and there. Maybe fakies have more fun...wahahaha...
You've known me for nearly 20 years. Do you think I can stand being a fakey (with those fake eye lashes and heels)? Unless it is for a drama competition.
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