October 03, 2007

7 things I didn't know about myself until last Saturday

1) I got a few strands of white hair hiding beneath my dark brown hair (I've been thinking and stressing too much. It's sad news for me. I m not even 22 yet but I have white hair growing without my permission)

2) I always left my clothes behind in several places wherever I go

3) Everyone in my extended family still thinks that I m a baby. They forgot that I will grow up one day and become a 22 year old like now. My grandaunt said,"You will be forever a baby in our eyes no matter how old you've grown."

4) I have a crazy uncle who lives in Phuket. He claimed that he's an idiot and pretended to be a retard whenever I talk to him. Did I mentioned that he's 47 years old?

5) I m stupid when it comes to accepting gifts from people. I always say "No". For the 5th time, I refused to accept a brand new car as a present from them.

6) I didn't know that I 35 percent Thai. I always thought that I m only 25 percent Thai.

7) Shopping is not my favourite activity. I got mall-sickness when I was in Indonesia. I visited 8 shopping malls in 4 days and I came back with 2 dictionaries. I am such a Geek!


Anonymous said...

1. happens
2. cause you undress run around naked and forget to put it on u dirty girl u
3. yep yep. until u marry
4. and? thats cool
5. ur stupid
6. ....
7.... loooser

Cheesy Chica said...
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Cheesy Chica said...

~Shelly.D.Jelly~ said...
1.dont worry, u and I got that, but look at KM, she got that even when she's 12..

2.me too(bt i dont run arnd naked)

3. Its like this, nomatter how old u r. thats what we call family

4.since u r so stressed, pretend to be retard n talk to a retard(with respect), u will feel cool after that

5. Sigh..people always teach us to say NO..but this one...

6. 35-25 = 10% of different perception. 100%-10%=90% of certainty that you are MALAYSIAN CHINESE. So no worries

7.When its cheap like Lonely Planet books in Cambodia...WHO CARES?? JUST BUY 'EM!!


Obelisk Dee said...

lol...u people are my friends...congrats, you have a stupid friend here...