This is what I got myself for this month. A year of California Fitness membership which costs me a BOMB!!! Now I know why Jackie Chan is so damn rich. The gym is all about him. Good marketing strategy and puhleeze...FYI...I m not there because of him. I m there because I got no where to go. Now it's my second home. I go there nearly everyday after class. So, that means I m spending more like mad again (for good). Stress is not good when I spend it on other stuff (like food, food and food) why not go to the gym and work-out. :)
I m nearly obese. I need to lose 15kg. That's my target. I want my 16 year old body back...badly. Chinese New Year is just around the corner, I still haven't shop for any clothes yet besides 6 pairs of shoes. I m not the only crazy one around. My friend just tipped the waiter for RM30. That's what I call crazy. Over-stressed. I don't understand why we tend to "waste" money when we're stress. Spending money makes me happy. It's like that's the only thing that makes me happy for now. It's like you got some kind of freedom. I don't know how to say it...but it's a good feeling since I can't eat much now.
On the other hand, it seems like a good idea since I've planned to not to go to anywhere for 9 months. Wahahaha...I m going crazy again. No's the the time of the month. I m okay. I just need someting to fill in the gap. The gap of being useless and lonely.
Let's see...I've got too much demand on myself. I should cut it down. I m demanding more and more on myself. Trying to be superwoman. My head hurts. I m very tensed. I m looking forward for my belly dancing class tomorrow. Should be funny...I wanna see my tummy wobble...bahahaha. After that it's hip hop. My favourite class of all. So am I healthy now? Mentally I mean.
great ideal with the fitness club. will lower your stress and you will get fit wohooo.. and healthy.
hahaha...maybe it is a good way to get out of your stress...hahaha...
i wanna lose 10kg! since years ago =P
Everyone's so happy I that I joined a gym. Let's rejoice and burn those fat away.
Piff: same here. I always wanna lose here and there but I make my action speaks louder than my words. Let's join gym...
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