Looks like I will be having a series of very suprisingly-funny-stressful-crazy-unfortunate for some time to come. Why? Look...let's look at what happened this Monday till today:
My lecturer called my name again and again. This time is uncountable. I didn't show any sign of sleepiness, I m very attentive in his class but my name got called again (in front of more than 70 people). Fate. The class is tough. Loadsa reading, surveying and more reading. And he loves to give quizzes. My name is on his list again. He told the whole class how he remembered every single word I wrote in his quiz. That's really embarassing. Suddenly out of no where, he would call my name to answer his questions. I feel so stress. It's normal if lecturers love to call out my name becoz it's like a norm for me since I was young. I've got this unique name and un-chinese feature that makes me "call-able". But this is different. I feel very stressful everytime he calls out mine. I got no idea what this subject is about and I got no interest in it at all. He seems so passionate about it. I m so so stressfull. On the other hand, my German lecturer is driving me up the wall again. Driving US up the wall actually. I can faint if you call out her name. Amazing!
And then I had the worst French lecturer I've ever had in my life. He speaks like a sloth. Ever so slow and he looks so lazy to conduct the class. I don't like French at all. They always read their words half way. Why? Can't they read it all? Why is "Au Revoir" is only read as [o va]????
Tuesday:I was having lunch with my Iraqi colleague in a cafetaria (note: cafetaria) in my univeristy. He's studying in this uni aswell (just recently for his Masters in Engineering). So we decided to meet up and bring him around this uni since he thinks it's HUGE and he got lost a few times. Just his 2nd week of uni. As usual, we're having lunch, talking about Iraq and how I should appreciate my country more because I live in a very beautiful country with loadsa trees, peaceful, etc etc...and then he told me about bombs in his country. Bombings here and there....
Suddenly out of no where, there's this cafe staff, she was screaming her lungs out. I got shock of course, one moment it's about bombings and then somebody's screaming so loud the whole cafe stunned for a while. Then she was pointing to the sit next to me. Less than a metre away from me. Muahaha. I felt like fainting when I turn my head. There's a snake next to me and I didn't realise it. SNAKE!!! Snake in a cafe??? How come? My god!!! I didn't move an inch. I remain calm while laughing at my "luck" on these kinda things. Damn it. Snake next to me when the whole cafe is like so damn big. I was sitting in the middle of the cafe not the side places. So my colleague being a brave 27 year old took a broom and shoo-ed it away. It's a small little green tree snake with some red and black colour on the head. Oh gosh...Nightmare. Then a student asked me about my colleague.
Student: Wow, he's so courageous. Where is he from?
Me: Iraq...U know Iraq is full of brave people? ;)
Student: He's so so brave you know. Wow (She looks so amazed)
Me: Yeah, from Iraq you see...brave people live there.
Student: Haha. I don't dare to do that. He's just so brave. (Looks like she found her Superman)
Me: Yeah...Brave man there.
Wednesday (today)
My name is being called out twice today in his class. A new record. It's just 2 times today. I m so happy. He know every single move, every single eye contact I made with my friends. He knows everything. He can be a potential stalker if he's not a lecturer. But I m happy it's just twice today. And then came my another faculty course's lecturer. I sat at the corner where no one can see me. But she looks at me more than 6 times in that particular one hour. More questions...Stress stress. Sometime I can't be bothered to answer. I m just to "tired" to answer.
It's all about student life. Mine (including my coursemates) is more stressfull than other people in this faculty. Students from other department is so free. They can have Monday as "Shopping Day", Tuesday as "Movies Day", Wednesday as "wearing pink Day". How I wish. Nowadays I go to uni with slippers, I didn't comb my hair, I m not bothered to put on my contact lenses. I just put on moisturizer and sunblock and I m ready to go. Unlike my "olden" days where I will take ages in the morning to go to uni. Now, I just want to survive. That's all.
I picked up a new hobby. I m too stress today, I clean and scrub the whole kitchen. I even cook dinner. Amazing.
Now I want my baby Sony Alpha. Or a D80??? I dunno. I m lost.