Taken from The Bund across the Huangpu River. Amazing isn't it. It will be much more amazing if I have got a DSLR with me.
They don't have shopping malls like we do in smaller city, so we have to walk quite a distance to get things that we want. Walk walk walk...
Nearby a Chinese Temple...loadsa stairs... :(
Isn't she cute? She's one the the many typical Chinese girl in one of the many old village in Jiangnan Province. Really cute one, she's so sweet she offered me a sweet that she's holding.
Another temple. One of the many many temples that I have visited. All are situated up on very high hills. Now I have got muscular legs. Muahaha...
I m not happy...I m sad...I feel so lonely...oh so lonely. The trip was great but I feel lonely. I was wondering why I got there with my aunt? I feel so so so lonely after nearly more than half a year after my break up. Wahaha...finally I know I m normal afterall. I should have dated the tour guide...I should have...Dats when I think I m very dependable on people mentally.
Anyway on the other hand, I had a series of unfortunate events when I was there. I tripped 3 times (2 times on the streets of Hangzhou because some Chinese man stepped on my specs and I can't see the road clearly, one time in front of the largest Buddha statue in the world in Wuxi...maybe becoz I never pray), mistakenly went into a male's toilet becoz I don't understand the sign on the door...and I saw an uncle doing his business there turned red, sprained my ankle 5 times, bought a very expensive item which I don't really like that much, it costs me a BOMB just becoz my aunt likes it...I had "free-shows" everyday in the public toilet (because Chinese women there don't like to close the door when they are doing their "business")...and so on...
The thing I like the most about China would be the weather...I like winter, those cold chilly weather...it feels so much nicer and less tiring. We visited nearly all the Chinese gardens available in Jiangnan Province (which kinda bore me), Chinese temples (which I don't really go and I don't understand a single Chinese words written on the boards), climb loadsa stairs, travelled a lot, too much to say it here but it's better to travel in a cold weather rather than the sticky hot Malaysian weather. It was below 0 degrees nearly every night...it feels so nice but I don't like the clothing part, too many to carry and wear. But I still like winter...woo...can't wait for another winter. It feels so hot here, so humid, I m actually sweating like a pig now.
I m just too tired to continue. Most of my tour mates got sick and some vomitted inside the plane. Poor thing. I know I m going to get sick soon enough becoz my body already started to ache. Another day tomorrow...New semester starts tomorrow. My nightmare begins now!!!
1 comment:
That kid is really adorable..red pinkish cheek. I like that.
Haha, yeah, winter is cool, isnt it, I always wish KL can at least have Genting's temperature. At least we wont sweat like pigs a lot, especially in KK..oh here i go again about the weather. Yeah..definitely, Msia is hot hot hot..but come to think of it, we've been enduring it for like....21 years already??
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