Then I knew this guy who slammed me with my "fat" issue not long ago, he used to say, fat ones are always failures. They failed in life. They don't get job offer, they wont get promoted, they wont get to date guys. Then I told him that to me inner beauty is still the most important value in one's life. He then told me that's the reality of life. (Blurghhh...He's not even handsome). Is weight issue that important? Not to the extend of having a BMI of 30. I m talking normal girls like us who tend to over-eat sometimes because we're blessed with cheap delicious food in Malaysia, and once in a while indulge in heavily sweet desserts. We're a bit "meaty" and "huggable" because we're happy with our life and we don't go on celery diet. He said the ideal weight for me is to go under my BMI. Which stupid idiot will listen to him and risk their own lives. Under my BMI? I would be 40kg then, what the difference of having living bones and a 40kg me?
Although my BMI is in the healthy range. I always make sure that my weight is in the right range. Hence, the yucky detox diet a few months ago because of the overrated Thai food. I m aware of the diseases I might get if I don't keep myself healthy. Yes, I do get jealous with girls who can fit into nice dresses and every single dress/shirt/blouse is like made just for them in every single shop. But I would definately wont risk myself to be thin like a match stick just to impress someone. Why would you wanna suffer when life itself is so short. I m not a celebrity, I m not Nicole Richie nor Lindsay Lohan.

But, it seems to me in certain places, being skinny is always a plus point. What do you think?
i think the girls in the pic are to skinny.
and i think if your happy your happy and it doesnt matter if your a bit fat or chubby.
i do mind FAT people though... by that I do mean FAT like very big though. thats unhealthy for them and expensive for us
I think being skinny like this 2 chicks r being in an anorexia state. N i HOPE u wont care about what other people have said about fatness and all. Havent u heard, for the chinese, Fat = Fatt fook(prosperously lucky)
New info, those who are meaty at their arms and legs are called 'nini' because they r not fat yet they have err..'meat'
n dont always compare yourself with super top models la..they r slim because they have to. No need to be jealous. Because I know that if you want to be slim, you can do it.
duno yet
That's what they call great body. Eukks....more like great bones.
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