No matter what, there're loadsa irritating people around me. Strangers mostly, those whom I've never talk or greet before. If he/she is nice, it's ok. That's very friendly and nice of him/her to be like that. Thank you for being courteous. But there're some with great attitude problem who don't treat people that they first meet like what they should have.
Ok let's start with case number one:
a) There is this canteen man in my faculty whom me and my friends nickname him as "Moody" since day one. His mood swing is worse than the roller coaster in Disneyland and it's worse than any ordinary woman having PMS. Since the first time we met him, he was already frowning, throwing tantrums and being very childish.
On a good day:
Moody: Yea...Nak apa? (Yea...What you want?)
Customer: I want this this with this and that with this and without this
Moody: Ok...10 minutes
On a bad day:
Moody: Yea?
Customer: I want this this with this and that with this and without this
Moody: No, don't have. Wait till 11am.
Customer: But that day at this time, you have this.
Moody: Nono, we dont have. Come back after 11. (showing anguish expression as if someone killed his cat)
Then one fine day, he extra charged me just because I m a Chinese. You see, he's a racist aswell. Chinese people in my faculty have to pay more and get less portion than the others. I was being patient with him. Very patient. Then one fine day...
Me: How much?
Moody: *tapping his calculator* RM4.20
Me: What? For one piece of small chicken like this and that sum of vegetables you charged me this? This is uni canteen you know?
Moody: Vegetables are very expensive miss.
Me: What? But I m not talking one whole pot of vege....
Moody: *cuts through* You know miss, we're losing a lot every month. Each month we have a lot to pay up, the customers getting lesser, we have to pay the cook, the workers...blablabla...
Me: Ok...ok..stop. How much? Honestly. I don't need to know how much you're losing. Just tell me the price.
Moody: Ok...RM4.00. You want you take, you don't want, don't take.
Me: @#$%^&*...!!! Hm....(I was cursing him so badly when I walk back to my friends' table)
Where's the sense? You treat your customers like that, you expect us to pay you willingly? If your service is good, I dont mind tipping you. And if the food tastes good, I m willing to pay more....but NO. Idiot. And some people only have to pay about RM2 something for the same thing I took. Somemore he's showing his emotions when he's a guy, and also in front of everyone. Damn. Disgracing.
b) I was doing some voluntary work for my university. Because I was the publicity manager and I have to make sure there're crowds visiting that carnival that we've planned for months. It was held during the Convocation. So, there...under the hot sun with thousands of people, I stood there giving away flyers, sweet-talking them into the carnival, it's a carnival for kids, so I was like explaining to the parents that the kids need some cooler and more comfortable place to stay and to play. Some parents were really nice, they turned up and even thanked me. But some...."bitch" I should say, just walk away without even replying me and looked at me as if I m an alien from another galaxy. That's very rude. At least say something, you wasted 3.46mins of my precious time just to tell you there're a more comfortable place somewhere for you and your kids. I was trying to be nice because I don't want your kids to suffer under the hot sun. Damn. I told myself never to care people like this. Just a waste of space on planet earth. Their absence or whatever means nothing to our beautiful planet. Where's the sense?
Case number 2 : Unknown online user
I've got a Friendster account, to keep in touch with my friends and stuff. So come one day, there's this guy who wanted to add me desperately. I didn't add of course. Then he keeps on sending me messages asking me to add him and he wanted to become my friend and blablabla. I didn't reply a thing. How can someone be so desperate for a friend when there're more than 6 billion inhabitants on planet earth where nearly half is the female species like me. I find that offensive. It may seem like a small little thing to some of you but to me it's offensive in some way. It's scary aswell.
Can't you like introduce yourself and talk nicely and so on and so...but this is like extra "friendly". Jeez...
Case number 3: Idiotic car drivers on the road
My my...sad...driving on any Malaysian road lets you see all. So far this is what I've gone through:
- there's this little car in front of me (the driver is kissing the girl next to him) when everyone is like rushing to go through the jam. They kiss non-stop and I got so irritated. I was so tired after one whole day in uni, and what they did was kiss kiss and kiss. Damn, if he wanna kiss, go back home, strip her bare and kiss her continously for 100000 years I don't care... he's making the traffic slower and it's very dangerous for road users like me. Man....not the first time. 3 times so far. Kissing kissing. I told my friend, he replied,"Are you jealous?" :(
- then there're some old man who refuse to give way. Idiots. Issit very hard to spend a few seconds and let my car get to the right lane? They don't like to give way to young people. And those with nice big cars, they think they're rich so they can do everything they want. Stupid bunch of rich morons.
- Perverts on the road. If they see u, they will pop their head out of the window, wolf-whistling as if you're Jessica Alba (although you look like Michael Jackson).
- A lot more cases like these. And some who tried to hit you at the back, who tried to follow very close to you car and so on. Jeez. Damn irritating.
And the list goes on and peace seems to be so impossible.
September 26, 2006
September 23, 2006
Happy Birthday Shelly!!!
Happy 21st Birthday laydeeee....
Don't stress so much okay, I know our education system sux, let us be patient for about 1 and a half year more and when u come back to KL, we go search for delicious food everyday again like what we did...muahahhaha...sounds so much fun.
Thanks for being there when I need someone to talk to for 17 consecutive years. I m so proud of having u as a friend. And again, pls rock KK and have a great birthday this year.
Don't stress so much okay, I know our education system sux, let us be patient for about 1 and a half year more and when u come back to KL, we go search for delicious food everyday again like what we did...muahahhaha...sounds so much fun.
Thanks for being there when I need someone to talk to for 17 consecutive years. I m so proud of having u as a friend. And again, pls rock KK and have a great birthday this year.
September 21, 2006
Skinny = Beautiful or BootyFOOL
We're having some discussion in my class about our dream-guy or dream-girl. There's this classmate of mine, (a guy of course) wanted someone not fat and beautiful. At first he said it's okay if she's a little bit fat and then when we asked again and again, the answers keep on differing and in the end...the conclusion is...he cannot accept fat girls. I m not talking about obese, normal baby fat, u see. No matter how much a guy say he can accept a slighty fat one...he actually (deep down inside him) can't accept it.
Then I knew this guy who slammed me with my "fat" issue not long ago, he used to say, fat ones are always failures. They failed in life. They don't get job offer, they wont get promoted, they wont get to date guys. Then I told him that to me inner beauty is still the most important value in one's life. He then told me that's the reality of life. (Blurghhh...He's not even handsome). Is weight issue that important? Not to the extend of having a BMI of 30. I m talking normal girls like us who tend to over-eat sometimes because we're blessed with cheap delicious food in Malaysia, and once in a while indulge in heavily sweet desserts. We're a bit "meaty" and "huggable" because we're happy with our life and we don't go on celery diet. He said the ideal weight for me is to go under my BMI. Which stupid idiot will listen to him and risk their own lives. Under my BMI? I would be 40kg then, what the difference of having living bones and a 40kg me?
Although my BMI is in the healthy range. I always make sure that my weight is in the right range. Hence, the yucky detox diet a few months ago because of the overrated Thai food. I m aware of the diseases I might get if I don't keep myself healthy. Yes, I do get jealous with girls who can fit into nice dresses and every single dress/shirt/blouse is like made just for them in every single shop. But I would definately wont risk myself to be thin like a match stick just to impress someone. Why would you wanna suffer when life itself is so short. I m not a celebrity, I m not Nicole Richie nor Lindsay Lohan.

But, it seems to me in certain places, being skinny is always a plus point. What do you think?
Then I knew this guy who slammed me with my "fat" issue not long ago, he used to say, fat ones are always failures. They failed in life. They don't get job offer, they wont get promoted, they wont get to date guys. Then I told him that to me inner beauty is still the most important value in one's life. He then told me that's the reality of life. (Blurghhh...He's not even handsome). Is weight issue that important? Not to the extend of having a BMI of 30. I m talking normal girls like us who tend to over-eat sometimes because we're blessed with cheap delicious food in Malaysia, and once in a while indulge in heavily sweet desserts. We're a bit "meaty" and "huggable" because we're happy with our life and we don't go on celery diet. He said the ideal weight for me is to go under my BMI. Which stupid idiot will listen to him and risk their own lives. Under my BMI? I would be 40kg then, what the difference of having living bones and a 40kg me?
Although my BMI is in the healthy range. I always make sure that my weight is in the right range. Hence, the yucky detox diet a few months ago because of the overrated Thai food. I m aware of the diseases I might get if I don't keep myself healthy. Yes, I do get jealous with girls who can fit into nice dresses and every single dress/shirt/blouse is like made just for them in every single shop. But I would definately wont risk myself to be thin like a match stick just to impress someone. Why would you wanna suffer when life itself is so short. I m not a celebrity, I m not Nicole Richie nor Lindsay Lohan.

But, it seems to me in certain places, being skinny is always a plus point. What do you think?
September 18, 2006
1 day without touching the computer
I can't do that. I m trying hard not to. But I can't. I just can't. It's already a part of me. I will be sick if I dont. It happened before. I nearly go crazy last year. No matter what I still have to put my hands on it. It gives me a sense of relief and satisfaction.
Not long ago, my friend told my another friend about my obsession.
"Dude, you can take away her favourite pair of shoes but you can't do that with her computer. She will definately kill you"
But damn, I have to stop. I m too dependent on my computer. In everything. Everything. From food to my foot. Yes, I think I need to stay away for one day at least and try to touch my books more. Although I did touch my books, but I m not reading it hard enough and I've got yet another series of small but important coming up till next monday. I hated my uni life, now I hate it even more. *pukes* I got so fed up with exams I m not bothered.
Not long ago, my friend told my another friend about my obsession.
"Dude, you can take away her favourite pair of shoes but you can't do that with her computer. She will definately kill you"
But damn, I have to stop. I m too dependent on my computer. In everything. Everything. From food to my foot. Yes, I think I need to stay away for one day at least and try to touch my books more. Although I did touch my books, but I m not reading it hard enough and I've got yet another series of small but important coming up till next monday. I hated my uni life, now I hate it even more. *pukes* I got so fed up with exams I m not bothered.
September 14, 2006
Of bread and porridge
My 3rd day with bread and more bread. I've tried different bread with different taste with different texture and softnes and with different sizes. I've also eat loadsa porridge with different taste, different level of stickiness and different texture. Sometimes plain bread or porridge, sometimes with something to go with that. I m craving for REAL food. I did break the law a little bit by having rice, oh how I miss rice. I miss solid food. +o(
September 11, 2006
911 - A date to remember

The September 11, 2001 attacks (often referred to as 9/11—pronounced "nine eleven") were a series of coordinated suicide terrorist attacks upon the United States, predominantly targeting civilians, carried out on Tuesday, September 11, 2001.
That morning, 19 men affiliated with al-Qaeda[1] hijacked four commercial passenger jet airliners. Each team of hijackers included a trained pilot. Two planes (United Airlines Flight 175 and American Airlines Flight 11) crashed into the World Trade Center in New York City, one plane into each tower (One and Two). Both towers collapsed within two hours. The pilot of the third team crashed a plane into the Pentagon in Arlington County, Virginia. Passengers and members of the flight crew on the fourth aircraft attempted to retake control of their plane from the hijackers; that plane crashed into a field near the town of Shanksville in rural Somerset County, Pennsylvania. Excluding the 19 hijackers, a confirmed 2,973 people died and another 24 remain listed as missing as a result of these attacks.
Today marks the fifth anniversary of the terror attack. For those who suffered losses on that fateful day, it will be a time of quiet remembrance. How time flies, 5 years ago I was still in my school uniform, going to tuition classes and still so "young". God bless everyone.
And today marks the day I have to finish all these tablets within 3 days. Went to the doctor this morning, and I got this, and worst of all, only porridge and bread are allowed. No spicy, no fried, no oily and unhealthy food. :(
I had a bad gastric and a bloated stomach, can't sleep the whole night. The moment I really fall into my dreams would be at 7.25am. That's very abnormal for someone who can sleep everywhere while standing (according to my sisters).

Die. Die. Die. I have to miss 3 classes today. And that's my major. How am I gonna catch up? Hopefully my angelic friends will lend me their notes and tell me what's on for today. I wanna get well soon and eat those yummy food...
September 09, 2006
Kids these days...
I was at my aunt's house for her birthday dinner about an hour ago but I m still having headache now. Why? Because her 3 year old son and another 3 year old daughter of her friend keeps on screaming non-stop for 3 hours since I got there. Man, it was like banshee everywhere, things were thrown everywhere on the floor, furnitures are being move away with those annoying screeching sound, shouting at each other, fighting for their toys...etc. Every 1.57 minute, they will get up from the dinner table and do someting with their children (i.e. persuading, scolding, pampering). I was sitting in the middle of the table and I really can't stand it, the environment is like war. Everyone running everywhere and shouting (just like all the war victim finding a safer place to hide with bombs being thrown everywhere).
I was wondering if I was that "loud" when I was younger. My mom would definately kill me with her cane or her big slap on my face would definately shut me up for one whole month! No joke. I was brought up by a very strict mother (till now I don't dare to talk to her unless it's an arguement). There's no such thing as toys or dolls or junk food. Totally like in a military school. I still remember the hard time I have to go thru memorising vocabulary and the maths arithmetical table. I really go through a lot. The cane was my best friend as far as I can remember. She's one dare to go near her when she's teaching me lessons. And my dad would never do a thing unless it's serious. So, till now, no one can ever hurt me more than my parents.
Back to the story, this cousin brother of mine, it's like a total opposite of what I have to go through. (I m not saying he should be beaten up like what I used to have) but his parents are being too lenient of him, when he's really wrong like putting his leg up on the dinning table when everyone's eating and he spitted on my cup just now, the one with my water inside it. Blardy hell...I m patient with kids, that's why he didnt get wallop from me.
Shopping trips with them is the worst in my history of nearly 21 years living on planet earth. Man, he gets what he wants (even the chopstick that belongs to a restaurant). Spoiled brat. Hopefully he didnt turn out like the male version of Paris Hilton. Jeez. I can bear to see that.

The amount of toys in his house is like"enourmously a LOT". This pic is just like 0.5% of what he got. I could sell it off when he gets older. Wahahaha *evil grin*
I was wondering if I was that "loud" when I was younger. My mom would definately kill me with her cane or her big slap on my face would definately shut me up for one whole month! No joke. I was brought up by a very strict mother (till now I don't dare to talk to her unless it's an arguement). There's no such thing as toys or dolls or junk food. Totally like in a military school. I still remember the hard time I have to go thru memorising vocabulary and the maths arithmetical table. I really go through a lot. The cane was my best friend as far as I can remember. She's one dare to go near her when she's teaching me lessons. And my dad would never do a thing unless it's serious. So, till now, no one can ever hurt me more than my parents.
Back to the story, this cousin brother of mine, it's like a total opposite of what I have to go through. (I m not saying he should be beaten up like what I used to have) but his parents are being too lenient of him, when he's really wrong like putting his leg up on the dinning table when everyone's eating and he spitted on my cup just now, the one with my water inside it. Blardy hell...I m patient with kids, that's why he didnt get wallop from me.
Shopping trips with them is the worst in my history of nearly 21 years living on planet earth. Man, he gets what he wants (even the chopstick that belongs to a restaurant). Spoiled brat. Hopefully he didnt turn out like the male version of Paris Hilton. Jeez. I can bear to see that.

The amount of toys in his house is like"enourmously a LOT". This pic is just like 0.5% of what he got. I could sell it off when he gets older. Wahahaha *evil grin*
September 06, 2006
A Pig or a Bee
It's been a busy day today (so far)...been digging out some old photos and submitted it for work. And of course today I gave some competition at work. I've been very hardworking lately (for work) but I havent touch a single thing for my studies. So I m a bee with a pig attitude.
8 tasks to be settled by the end of this week hopefully. Procrastinating will just kill me in the end. I've been glueing my eyes on the computer since I woke up. Suddenly there're so many things to do. multitasking ability is here.

I miss my friends...I really miss them...
8 tasks to be settled by the end of this week hopefully. Procrastinating will just kill me in the end. I've been glueing my eyes on the computer since I woke up. Suddenly there're so many things to do. multitasking ability is here.

I miss my friends...I really miss them...
September 03, 2006
Of fingernails
I lose my appetite...why?
Because I saw a good looking guy (with long fingernails). That's why. Euks...gross. Just imagine...a great good looking guy like that uses his little finger with long fingernails to pick his nose or ears (trying to dig our the earwax and stuff) *Gross*
Oh no...nonono..That's super gross
Because I saw a good looking guy (with long fingernails). That's why. Euks...gross. Just imagine...a great good looking guy like that uses his little finger with long fingernails to pick his nose or ears (trying to dig our the earwax and stuff) *Gross*
Oh no...nonono..That's super gross
September 01, 2006
Am I gay?
U may wonder how my so called "date" goes...
Well, amazingly this time, it's not as bad as last time. But I m not attracted to him. I m turning gay I guess. I can't seem like anyone. It's either they gave me a "ah pek" (dress and act like an uncle) feeling, not "intelligent" enough to answer my questions, not ethical, doesn't look into my eyes when talking to me as if I will eat them (yes, I m a man-eater). Even towards the guys I used to like. No more feeling. Jeez...I m not attracted to a single guy now. That's not good. Since young I always have a target, but since the break-up...I HAVE NONE!!!
I hope I m still straight. Or maybe because I m too busy with work and studies I m not bothered to look for one? My grandma did tell me something about me being to choosy...I m not being choosy. I don't have time to be choosy. And yet...I think I m gay. Jeez...
Well, amazingly this time, it's not as bad as last time. But I m not attracted to him. I m turning gay I guess. I can't seem like anyone. It's either they gave me a "ah pek" (dress and act like an uncle) feeling, not "intelligent" enough to answer my questions, not ethical, doesn't look into my eyes when talking to me as if I will eat them (yes, I m a man-eater). Even towards the guys I used to like. No more feeling. Jeez...I m not attracted to a single guy now. That's not good. Since young I always have a target, but since the break-up...I HAVE NONE!!!
I hope I m still straight. Or maybe because I m too busy with work and studies I m not bothered to look for one? My grandma did tell me something about me being to choosy...I m not being choosy. I don't have time to be choosy. And yet...I think I m gay. Jeez...
Butterflies in the stomach
Silly me...why do I feel weird? It's just a normal dinner with a friend I havent seen for ages...Damn. *Breathes In**Breathes Out* Hope everything goes well today.
I m free (for one week) at LAST!!! I can have a normal life back. No more staying up late finishing assignments and waking up early...Hoooray!!! Time to catch back with my "normal" life. I miss the telly. I havent seen any show since I started uni. Not even on Saturdays and Sundays. I feel like dancing on the beach with the white sand, sea breeze and some BBQ after that. And some Corrine Bailey-Rae's Put you records on...lalalala. Oh how i wish!
I m free (for one week) at LAST!!! I can have a normal life back. No more staying up late finishing assignments and waking up early...Hoooray!!! Time to catch back with my "normal" life. I miss the telly. I havent seen any show since I started uni. Not even on Saturdays and Sundays. I feel like dancing on the beach with the white sand, sea breeze and some BBQ after that. And some Corrine Bailey-Rae's Put you records on...lalalala. Oh how i wish!
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