Finally...I can breathe...for a while at least. I haven't had any proper sleep since...I don't know when. Today I will hibernate till...Saturday. Aww...nonono...till tomorrow. I can't afford to sleep that much. I still got one more assignment to go. And not forgetting French oral exam. I realised that I hate french classes very much. Not my cup of tea.
I argued with a few people during this exciting busy week. Not on purpose actually. Only on some small matters. I could have slap someone if that happen in front of me.
One arguement is with my classmate when we're chatting on MSN. He said that I m a very demanding person towards guys. When all I did was just a comment on him is that he should act like a man and not to complain on how he will have to do the test. Because I was pissed. For more than a year he keep on having that,"I m so scared of exams" attitude. Gosh. And then he keeps on asking me about what I m doing and stuff like that as if I will study more than him and he's scared if my results are better than him. Such a girl! My gawd.
He called me a few times but i refuse to answer. (since when I m such a bitch?)
Then some monster friend of mine. Becoz of some small little things. I got accused again. Damn it. Do I look so "blamable" or "accusable"?
Then he called me a few times to apologise. But i didnt answer aswell. (since when I m double the bitch?)
People people. Always giving troubles but can never live without them.
I got 6 pimples. Damn. One for every assignment.
One redened eye.
One unhealthy stomach.
One back-ache.
One small use-the-laptop-too-much-lump a.k.a the "Technology Lump" on my wrist
One the bright side, I've outwit myself again. This time is with 6 assignments in 4 days. How crazy was that. I can't imagine and believe it myself either that I've managed it. Phewww.
I got a bit emo a few days back. Can't handle that much of stress. Me bad me bad.
But then I m happy it's over. Times really rockets. It's end of March now. Paycheck soon. Yaay!!!
March 29, 2007
March 27, 2007
Red Eye Red Eye
Arghh...I don't know why, when or how I got this "infection" I should say or is it "allergy"...It's been 2 days. Shelly told me my eye will get better within one day and now it's already two days. My left eye is still red. Red as in red nerves all over the white area. It's frusfrating to see that as I have tonnes of assignments and test and finals and meetings and events coming within this 2 weeks. And why only the left eye and not both? Weird isn't it?
Let's say I face the computer too much, dat's impossible. I stare at the computer for more than 8 hours everyday for more than a decade now. And why yesterday? It's not painful, not teary, and not swollen. Just some red nerves roaming all over my eyeball. And I m not wearing any contact lens. It gets worse by night and getting redder and redder each day.
I hope it's because of the stress not other things. I m worried.
Let's say I face the computer too much, dat's impossible. I stare at the computer for more than 8 hours everyday for more than a decade now. And why yesterday? It's not painful, not teary, and not swollen. Just some red nerves roaming all over my eyeball. And I m not wearing any contact lens. It gets worse by night and getting redder and redder each day.
I hope it's because of the stress not other things. I m worried.
March 25, 2007
Slapping the slap slap
Some people just don't understand other people.
X: I need you to find me that international plug. I need it because I m going to Ozzie.
me: yeah, I will help you find it.
Then the very next day which is today, i couldn't find it....
me: Sorry, I couldn't find it, maybe it's at ur place.
X: Nono. I m sure it's at your place.
me: No. I don't think so.
X: I m sure it's at your place.
me: Okay...okay...I will try to find it for you. When are you flying to Australia?
X: 23rd
me: WHAT? 23? Next month?
X: Ya, dats why I need it.
me: I've got tonnes of assignments and things to do and now you ask me to find a plug when you're flying on the 23rd of next month. ????!!!!!
X: I know you're forgetful sometimes and that's why I m asking you to find it now.
My gawd!!!! Did't she know that I m having tonnes of work waiting to be done. It's the end of the semester for god's sake. Critical time and she want's me to waste my time searching the whole house for one small plug when she's flying next month. How inconsiderate.
Nowadays I have this sickness called "Slap 'em". Whenever I got angry, I just feel like slapping people. Because they never learn and never know their mistakes. And always and forever blaming other people.
I would have slap more than 10 people only for this week.
Oh no...imbalance hormone. I m turning into a man I think.
I don't understand myself either. I get angry very very easily these few days. I've been very very patient, now the wire is a bit loose I guess. Soon my wayar akan terputus. Then it will be disastrous for a while.
Why so stress? I've got 2 paperwork and 2 40 percent test coming up and I m still halfway doing that. Dateline is next week. Dat's why I m so stress. I need motivation!!! Help!!!
X: I need you to find me that international plug. I need it because I m going to Ozzie.
me: yeah, I will help you find it.
Then the very next day which is today, i couldn't find it....
me: Sorry, I couldn't find it, maybe it's at ur place.
X: Nono. I m sure it's at your place.
me: No. I don't think so.
X: I m sure it's at your place.
me: Okay...okay...I will try to find it for you. When are you flying to Australia?
X: 23rd
me: WHAT? 23? Next month?
X: Ya, dats why I need it.
me: I've got tonnes of assignments and things to do and now you ask me to find a plug when you're flying on the 23rd of next month. ????!!!!!
X: I know you're forgetful sometimes and that's why I m asking you to find it now.
My gawd!!!! Did't she know that I m having tonnes of work waiting to be done. It's the end of the semester for god's sake. Critical time and she want's me to waste my time searching the whole house for one small plug when she's flying next month. How inconsiderate.
Nowadays I have this sickness called "Slap 'em". Whenever I got angry, I just feel like slapping people. Because they never learn and never know their mistakes. And always and forever blaming other people.
I would have slap more than 10 people only for this week.
Oh no...imbalance hormone. I m turning into a man I think.
I don't understand myself either. I get angry very very easily these few days. I've been very very patient, now the wire is a bit loose I guess. Soon my wayar akan terputus. Then it will be disastrous for a while.
Why so stress? I've got 2 paperwork and 2 40 percent test coming up and I m still halfway doing that. Dateline is next week. Dat's why I m so stress. I need motivation!!! Help!!!
March 15, 2007
Bla Bla Land
Shit happens. Whatever it is I m too tired to talk about it. No point. Blogging is my way to let out my feelings but now it's all bottled up again because I m too tired to blog about shit. Fuck.
My coursemate is too stress with uni life, her period came reversely. Now she's in pain and I hope she get better soon by tomorrow because there's a damn bloody presentation, stupid presentation on some stupid topic.
5 members in my group. One is sick, two doesn't have internet access in this modern world and one is blur, so left me alone here to do all the work. If anyone say anything/ complain about my work tomorrow, I m sure to give her one tight slap. If things go on like this, my period will come reversely soon. Damn.
I don't understand why as a language student, we have to do so many things:
- research - mass media (history, establishment, types, roles, etc between 2 countries),
- I have to read about computer programming stuff (Brainfuck, etc),
- dig through the Malaysia Plan (from Plan 6th till 9th),
- research about Bigfoot (like I care?)
- entertainment industry in Malaysia and it's influences (famous actor, contribution, etc) much workload I have? I think my brains gone big. It felt bigger this month compared to the months before. I've done politics last semester. I think next semester would be something mechanical. Might aswell I graduate with a B.MD (Bachelor of Multiple Disciplines) instead of a B.A.
Why do we have to study in the first place...I mean why do I have to study? I hate studying. Oh yah....dats because I can't cook, I can't take care of old people or kids. Dat's why.
My coursemate is too stress with uni life, her period came reversely. Now she's in pain and I hope she get better soon by tomorrow because there's a damn bloody presentation, stupid presentation on some stupid topic.
5 members in my group. One is sick, two doesn't have internet access in this modern world and one is blur, so left me alone here to do all the work. If anyone say anything/ complain about my work tomorrow, I m sure to give her one tight slap. If things go on like this, my period will come reversely soon. Damn.
I don't understand why as a language student, we have to do so many things:
- research - mass media (history, establishment, types, roles, etc between 2 countries),
- I have to read about computer programming stuff (Brainfuck, etc),
- dig through the Malaysia Plan (from Plan 6th till 9th),
- research about Bigfoot (like I care?)
- entertainment industry in Malaysia and it's influences (famous actor, contribution, etc) much workload I have? I think my brains gone big. It felt bigger this month compared to the months before. I've done politics last semester. I think next semester would be something mechanical. Might aswell I graduate with a B.MD (Bachelor of Multiple Disciplines) instead of a B.A.
Why do we have to study in the first place...I mean why do I have to study? I hate studying. Oh yah....dats because I can't cook, I can't take care of old people or kids. Dat's why.
March 12, 2007
Ponteng class
Finally. Some well-deserved break for myself. I've decided to skip all my classes today because I m too tired and emotionally not ready to go for classes. I've broken the uni rules. So what? You want your students to die of exhaustion?
I slept till 8 this morning. Major headache. Major blurness. After this I m going to have some disccusion with some parents because you know what? I m going to help my friend for a while. So I will be tutoring some kids around here. Just for 2 hours per week. I didn't plan to tutor anyone at all. Never thought of it since I stop giving classes 3 years ago. But now....why not? I can earn some, spend some on something I like. I wanna feel closer to the things that I want. After tutor, I will hit the gym. Muahahaha. If possible...
This will be a busy month aswell (assignments everywhere, left and right and bottom and top). Next month will be busy studying (becoz of the finals...I "LOVE" it) Can't wait till the semester holidays though. Can't wait to kiss my May and June. My favourite months. Muaks muaks muaks. But I've got that competition thingy! Awww :(
Nevermind. I still got my December baby. When it's December it's time for me to worry. For my future I mean. Becoz it would be my last semester which means I will be graduating soon in July 2008. Wohooo...then everyone will have a hard time looking for me again. Becoz I will have other plans. I m full of plans I know. Essential plans not for fun.
Anyone wanna join me for ice-cream this weekend? A big treat of Haagen or Baskin. I need ice-creams badly. Time to get in touch with some long-lost friends. Damn it. The last movie I've watched would be "The Guardian", the last time I hang out with my friends would be during Chinese New Year, the last date would be...I can't remember when.
I m fed up with my assignments. I m very rebellious now.

I miss my holidays...dearly.
I slept till 8 this morning. Major headache. Major blurness. After this I m going to have some disccusion with some parents because you know what? I m going to help my friend for a while. So I will be tutoring some kids around here. Just for 2 hours per week. I didn't plan to tutor anyone at all. Never thought of it since I stop giving classes 3 years ago. But now....why not? I can earn some, spend some on something I like. I wanna feel closer to the things that I want. After tutor, I will hit the gym. Muahahaha. If possible...
This will be a busy month aswell (assignments everywhere, left and right and bottom and top). Next month will be busy studying (becoz of the finals...I "LOVE" it) Can't wait till the semester holidays though. Can't wait to kiss my May and June. My favourite months. Muaks muaks muaks. But I've got that competition thingy! Awww :(
Nevermind. I still got my December baby. When it's December it's time for me to worry. For my future I mean. Becoz it would be my last semester which means I will be graduating soon in July 2008. Wohooo...then everyone will have a hard time looking for me again. Becoz I will have other plans. I m full of plans I know. Essential plans not for fun.
Anyone wanna join me for ice-cream this weekend? A big treat of Haagen or Baskin. I need ice-creams badly. Time to get in touch with some long-lost friends. Damn it. The last movie I've watched would be "The Guardian", the last time I hang out with my friends would be during Chinese New Year, the last date would be...I can't remember when.
I m fed up with my assignments. I m very rebellious now.
I miss my holidays...dearly.
March 10, 2007
Luck...what's that?
I don't know why it's always like that, or how it became like that. I m always the one with extra-ordinary encounter in my life, always the one with special conflict or special offer. It doesn't matter if it's a formal thing or nothing meaningful at all. Always the one with loadsa problem with people when I don't find fault with people, always the one with loadsa problems when I just keep quiet and doing particularly nothing at all. Maybe I should join some reality TV show or something like that so that the producers don't have to think of what's gonna make the show juicier becoz my life is juicier enough to make the ratings go high, probably better than Heroes or Desperate Housewives for the time being.
Why do I say that? Let's see what had happened over the past few "busy" days. Those days when I m too too busy to blog about it.
1) Learn to say "NO"
Remember I told you guys about the competition, the one to be held in May, so I submitted everything I need to submit, make sure everything is submitted. And then out of no where I got this offer from the person in charge of the competition a.k.a. the sponsor. That's to help him with some events and he will pay me some commision for it. I m not willing to do that at first because it involves a lot of work and I can't really do it (since my assignments are piling up becoz it's the end of the semester already). But becoz I m someone who's hard to say NO, I don't know since when I got this sickness of being not able to say NO, so now I m involved. Damn it. The commision is so so so damn little. Just enough for me to survive for a day. and I don't know why I agreed to do it.
2) Always be the first to present your presentation
I m always the first one to present my presentation in any subjects but then this time I was given a chance to "sit back and relax" first since I've never been the last to present. I though it would be fun to sit back and poke fun at people like what others did to me since the the first day. I was enjoying and laughing like what others did to me. It feels so different. Much more exciting and fun. But then karma comes back to me.
I thought it would be just another normal presentation. Because the girl before me did it like normal, and becoz this is a normal class. Of course I didn't expect anyone special to be the guest of this normal boring presentation.
So...and's my turn to present. It's only 5 seconds since I pressed the F5 button. Jeng...jeng...jeng [sound effect]...someone knocked on the door, heads was the Head of Department and also a very special guest (some linguist/professor) from University of Regensburg. I was like WTF?? WTF??? WHAT??? Why me? After 5 people, and now it's my turn and why is that? lucky.
The rest is history. I don't know how I did it, how I speak, how I present. Did I tell you it was in german language? Phew...luckily it's over. It's like a nightmare to me.
3) Choose a nice place to talk on the phone
My friend called me when I was at the gym. She was in some kinda dillema. I hope she's better now. (Shell:I don't mean to laugh when you tell me those sad things. But I couldn't help it because someone just strip naked in front of me withhout me realising it. NAKED...!!! And somebody happily change in front of me. I forgot I was at the gym. I thought I was in somewhere very very public. So sorry.)
4) Just admit that I m not Chinese no matter what
It's just so hard to explain to people that I m pure Chinese no matter how hard I tried. So now, no matter what I will go with the flow and agree with the people that I m not Chinese. Fine. They are happier to say that I m not Chinese. So I will make their life happier. Today someone just said that I m a Baba (mixed parentage of Malay and Chinese in Malacca). A few years back someone said that I looked like a Vietnamese, Iban, Burmese, Thai. And when I open my mouth, it's gonna be any race anywhere in the world but not Chinese.
5) Ignorance is bliss
I will have to ignore everything bad happening in front of me. Just ignore. Hard to explain but better to ignore.
Any reality tv producers???
Why do I say that? Let's see what had happened over the past few "busy" days. Those days when I m too too busy to blog about it.
1) Learn to say "NO"
Remember I told you guys about the competition, the one to be held in May, so I submitted everything I need to submit, make sure everything is submitted. And then out of no where I got this offer from the person in charge of the competition a.k.a. the sponsor. That's to help him with some events and he will pay me some commision for it. I m not willing to do that at first because it involves a lot of work and I can't really do it (since my assignments are piling up becoz it's the end of the semester already). But becoz I m someone who's hard to say NO, I don't know since when I got this sickness of being not able to say NO, so now I m involved. Damn it. The commision is so so so damn little. Just enough for me to survive for a day. and I don't know why I agreed to do it.
2) Always be the first to present your presentation
I m always the first one to present my presentation in any subjects but then this time I was given a chance to "sit back and relax" first since I've never been the last to present. I though it would be fun to sit back and poke fun at people like what others did to me since the the first day. I was enjoying and laughing like what others did to me. It feels so different. Much more exciting and fun. But then karma comes back to me.
I thought it would be just another normal presentation. Because the girl before me did it like normal, and becoz this is a normal class. Of course I didn't expect anyone special to be the guest of this normal boring presentation.
So...and's my turn to present. It's only 5 seconds since I pressed the F5 button. Jeng...jeng...jeng [sound effect]...someone knocked on the door, heads was the Head of Department and also a very special guest (some linguist/professor) from University of Regensburg. I was like WTF?? WTF??? WHAT??? Why me? After 5 people, and now it's my turn and why is that? lucky.
The rest is history. I don't know how I did it, how I speak, how I present. Did I tell you it was in german language? Phew...luckily it's over. It's like a nightmare to me.
3) Choose a nice place to talk on the phone
My friend called me when I was at the gym. She was in some kinda dillema. I hope she's better now. (Shell:I don't mean to laugh when you tell me those sad things. But I couldn't help it because someone just strip naked in front of me withhout me realising it. NAKED...!!! And somebody happily change in front of me. I forgot I was at the gym. I thought I was in somewhere very very public. So sorry.)
4) Just admit that I m not Chinese no matter what
It's just so hard to explain to people that I m pure Chinese no matter how hard I tried. So now, no matter what I will go with the flow and agree with the people that I m not Chinese. Fine. They are happier to say that I m not Chinese. So I will make their life happier. Today someone just said that I m a Baba (mixed parentage of Malay and Chinese in Malacca). A few years back someone said that I looked like a Vietnamese, Iban, Burmese, Thai. And when I open my mouth, it's gonna be any race anywhere in the world but not Chinese.
5) Ignorance is bliss
I will have to ignore everything bad happening in front of me. Just ignore. Hard to explain but better to ignore.
Any reality tv producers???
March 09, 2007
Link: The 32-Type Dating Test by OkCupid - Free Online Dating. |
March 03, 2007
My life is very bonita! today today...I was too early today. Weird. Everyone was late. I had an interesting conference today with His Excellency the Cuban Ambassador to Malaysia. A very smart person I should say. I mean the smartest of all for today. He's very very enthusiast with the Spanish language. He loves the language as much as he loves himself, I think. It seems like he know everything and he said that Cuba had o% of illeteracy. Hmm...I wonder how smart can they be?

After that, we had some Japanese onigiri, some Russian food, and then some Russian sweets and then my French lecturer came and asked me for a pen. I understand what he said in French but I can't reply him. I don't know why. He said,"merci"...I know I m supposed to reply him in french but I speak Malay to him instead. Oh gosh. My language cells are getting mixed up. He said I m going to get "it" from him in class. So on Tuesday I will be finished. I can't even say "welcome" in French. Jeez.
And guess what? Just becoz I m the worst cook in my house and also the one with no-cooking skills at all, that doesn't mean that I can't win this:
Bonita!!! Means beautiful in Spanish. Love the word.
I won the award for the most beautiful tapa (a type of spanish delicacy). Unbelievable! I don't think I can even win a consolation prize becoz I think my tapa looked like shit more than something edible but it's a good experiance afterall.
Here's my award-winning tapa.
This was taken after the competition. Out-of-shape tapa.
These few days I've been craving for spicy food. I've been sick for weeks so I m not allowed to eat any of my favourite spicy food. Awww...I must get well soon. I must.
This foreign language thingy is quite fun at times. Besides meeting up with important people, I get to eat a lot for FREE!!! I just love it!
Oh before I forget, I got an Internship Challenge this coming semester break. A corporate one for 2 months. Which means I will have to dress up properly everyday, make-up and stuff (the stuff I hate the most is to paint my face). Will have to meet loadsa corporate people, arrange my group members, driving up and down, etc. Owh...busy busy busy. I think I m the busiest homosapien amongst my friends. I spend only 4 hours for my sleep each day. Thanks to the gym workout. I "last" longer these days. Like batteries. ;)
And then some stuff with the business thingy with my uncle. And then some work stuff at work and then my studies and then my plans and then my another plan and then some other plans. Damn.
March 02, 2007
OMG!!! I was late for the opening ceremony of the Foreign Language Festival. Damn. I was late for 10 mins becoz of the traffic jam. First time ever being late for an important event. Gosh. I felt so guilty. And I was put to sit in the front row with some lecturers. And some photographers thought that I m one of the very important people in the conference room and there...he took a few snaps of me. Damn embarassing. And my lecturer say that. She smiled at me. Not a very pleasing one.
So today me and my coursemates brushed shoulders with a few important people. Saw some familiar faces like the German Attaché, some famous professors from Italy, Spain, Portugal, representatives from some organizations, some head of department, etc. But the thing that facinates us the most would be the free Italian ice-cream giveaway. I only had one cup due to the fact I m still having some body pain and I m not hungry at all. The old me would finish 3 cups at least.
And then I met up with my junior senior. They're my junior but they are way way older than me. Hence, junior senior. I was so suprised when they can't really speak good english or malay anymore...just like me. But they're luckier. They were sent to Germany for 10 months and after that they lost their mother tongue. How funny. They told me they have to speak the language for 24/7 for 10 months and they get to travel around Europe because they're given 1500 Euros per month. How nice. But in return they have to work for the government as german language teacher for years. Yikes...teaching school kids is a big no-no for me. So now I hafta find a way out.
Gonna listen to some important speech tomorrow and hopefully got my way through this language. Maybe tomorrow would be a good day to ask those "important" people about the whereabouts. A few companies will be here aswell. So hopefully I can get something out of it. Gosh. It's not a pleasant feeling thinking about what I should do after I graduate next year. Yeah. Next year hopefully. I hope I dont fail anything this semester. I've been longing to graduate since I started this degree program 2 years ago. I wanna get out from here so badly. Very badly indeed.
Now I m thinking...what should I wear for tomorrow? Hmm...
So today me and my coursemates brushed shoulders with a few important people. Saw some familiar faces like the German Attaché, some famous professors from Italy, Spain, Portugal, representatives from some organizations, some head of department, etc. But the thing that facinates us the most would be the free Italian ice-cream giveaway. I only had one cup due to the fact I m still having some body pain and I m not hungry at all. The old me would finish 3 cups at least.
And then I met up with my junior senior. They're my junior but they are way way older than me. Hence, junior senior. I was so suprised when they can't really speak good english or malay anymore...just like me. But they're luckier. They were sent to Germany for 10 months and after that they lost their mother tongue. How funny. They told me they have to speak the language for 24/7 for 10 months and they get to travel around Europe because they're given 1500 Euros per month. How nice. But in return they have to work for the government as german language teacher for years. Yikes...teaching school kids is a big no-no for me. So now I hafta find a way out.
Gonna listen to some important speech tomorrow and hopefully got my way through this language. Maybe tomorrow would be a good day to ask those "important" people about the whereabouts. A few companies will be here aswell. So hopefully I can get something out of it. Gosh. It's not a pleasant feeling thinking about what I should do after I graduate next year. Yeah. Next year hopefully. I hope I dont fail anything this semester. I've been longing to graduate since I started this degree program 2 years ago. I wanna get out from here so badly. Very badly indeed.
Now I m thinking...what should I wear for tomorrow? Hmm...
Finally I got some time for myself to blog. It was a busy week...errr...I meant...a busy month. I am still sick. It's been nearly 3 weeks now. Can't cure it. It's like I get sick for a few days then I get better then I m sick again then get cured again. Repetitively for weeks.
Maybe becoz of the poor weather. It's damn bloody hot outside. Or maybe becoz of the workload. Pheww....I guess it's becoz of the "panicky-sickness" I just got these days becoz there're indeed a lot of things to be done.
I m having painful thighs now. Why? Becoz today me and my amazing friend decided to work-out for 5 hours non-stop with yoga and MTV dance class in between. Crazy or what? But it feels really good after that. And now I hafta pay for the price. Suprisingly, my weight had only dropped 0.7kg and I wonder why? After one month at the gym only that little of weight. And owhh...did I mention I got small little muscles on my biceps? Euuuuks. me Herculesis.
Maybe becoz of the poor weather. It's damn bloody hot outside. Or maybe becoz of the workload. Pheww....I guess it's becoz of the "panicky-sickness" I just got these days becoz there're indeed a lot of things to be done.
I m having painful thighs now. Why? Becoz today me and my amazing friend decided to work-out for 5 hours non-stop with yoga and MTV dance class in between. Crazy or what? But it feels really good after that. And now I hafta pay for the price. Suprisingly, my weight had only dropped 0.7kg and I wonder why? After one month at the gym only that little of weight. And owhh...did I mention I got small little muscles on my biceps? Euuuuks. me Herculesis.
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